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Global Health Investment Fund I LLC Announcement of collaborative funding agreement with Epistem Plc.

2014年7月22日 -全球卫生投资基金一, 有限责任公司(GHIF), 今天,该公司宣布与系统控股有限公司(伦敦证券交易所代码:EHP) (Epistem)达成合作融资协议。, the personalised medicine and biotechnology company to support the roll-out of its Genedrive® 随着该公司的结核病检测技术在发展中国家的关键地区进入关键的现场试验,分子诊断平台. 根据协议条款, Epistem has today issued to the GHIF a five-year convertible bond totaling $8.4亿英镑.700万美元)(邦德). 作为合作资助协议的一部分, GHIF和系统已作出全球获取承诺,以相互支持和促进引进, 分发和销售Genedrive® 正在为低收入和中等收入国家开发的平台和不断扩大的传染病检测菜单.

由澳博官方网站app构建 & Co. 以及比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会, GHIF旨在提供资金,将新的和改进的工具商业化,以应对疟疾等挑战, 肺结核, HIV/AIDS and maternal and infant mortality in low-income countries. 受益于盖茨基金会和瑞典国际发展合作署的部分担保, the GHIF received anchor investment from Grand Challenges Canada (funded by the Government of Canada), 德国经济合作与发展部(通过复兴信贷银行)和儿童投资基金基金会. Its limited partners also include a number of individual investors together with AXA, 葛兰素史克公司, 国际金融公司, 澳博官方网站app & 公司,默克,辉瑞基金会和Storebrand.

LHGP资产管理有限公司, the London-based asset management arm of Lion's Head Global Partners, 由FCA授权, 担任GHIF的投资经理. 该债券是GHIF的首笔投资.

The proceeds of the Bond will be applied to the further development, Genedrive的生产和商业化® 用于诊断在发展中国家造成严重发病率和死亡率的传染病的设备和扩大的检测菜单.

Under the collaborative funding agreement, Epistem has agreed to make its Genedrive® 在反映中低收入国家贫困患者需求的定价框架下,可在发展中国家销售的平台. GHIF将寻求利用其网络在临床试验和监管批准的最后阶段为Epistem提供支持, 以及随后推出的Genedrive® 以及全球的传染病分析. 的Genedrive® 该平台有可能极大地改善那些最易患结核病等疾病的人的生活, 这需要复杂的诊断技术来确定疾病的存在并开出适当的治疗方案. 目前的“黄金标准”技术是劳动密集型的, time-consuming and require the shipping of biological samples to central laboratories for testing. Genedrive的潜力® 提供负担得起的, 在医疗点或医疗点附近对结核病等疾病进行具体和快速的诊断,将为全球带来重大的公共卫生效益, which drove the GHIF's interest in collaborating with Epistem on this product.

Genedrive® provides a major advance in next-generation molecular diagnostic testing by providing a rapid, 低成本, 使用简单的“护理点”设备,具有高灵敏度和特异性,用于诊断传染病. Genedrive® aims to provide a 'gold standard' identification of 肺结核 and antibiotic resistance. 世界卫生组织(WHO)公开建议各国将新的结核病快速分子检测纳入其疾病检测项目. 的Genedrive® platform and 肺结核 test are preparing for launch later this year. 的Genedrive® device is currently undergoing clinical studies in five countries, 之后,将提交监管申请,以实现结核病检测的全球获取和推广.

Epistem的Genedrive® platform has applications across a wide range of bacterial, 病毒、真菌和体细胞突变疾病,系统系统正在开发一系列诊断测试.

债券息票 & 到期日
这笔800万美元(合400万英镑)的投资.7 million) Bond was issued at par and has an annual coupon of 5% commencing from 22 January 2015. Interest is payable semi-annually in arrears and the Bond matures on 22 July 2019, unless previously converted into fully-paid ordinary shares of Epistem ("Ordinary Shares").


  • GHIF has the option to convert the Bond into 967,298 Ordinary Shares at a conversion price of GBP 4.89 at any time during the period 15 January 2015 to 15 May 2019. This issue of 967,298 ordinary shares is equivalent to 9.占Epistem目前已发行股本的67%.
  • Epistem shall have the option to convert the Bond into Ordinary Shares at a conversion price of GBP 4.89 during the period 22 January 2015 to 8 July 2019 if the Epistem share price shall exceed GBP 5.87.

转换的进一步细节, early redemption and cancellation provisions of the Bond are included in the appendix to this statement.

对协议的评论, 马修墙, Epistem的首席执行官说:“GHIF的支持是对我们开发Genedrive战略的有力认可® 对于传染病的应用和我们的决定,目标是结核病市场与我们的第一个分析. 我们对GHIF的全球网络在财政支持和商业推进Genedrive的推出方面的潜力感到非常兴奋® 单元和我们向发展中国家提供的新测试菜单."

GHIF的Christopher Egerton-Warburton说:“迫切需要为资源有限的环境设计改进的诊断设备. Epistem的Genedrive® platform 提供了 the opportunity to diagnose a broad range of infectious diseases, 它首次在结核病中进行测试,试图确定疾病的存在并准确检测耐药性, 速度快,成本低. 在全球范围内, 每年报告的结核病病例近1 000万例,每年导致约100万人过早死亡. 然而, 据估计,在这1000万例病例中, 多达三分之一的人要么没有被诊断出来, 或者如果确诊了, 没有进行耐药性筛查. Epistem has sought to improve this situation with its Genedrive® platform and as a result the GHIF is delighted to make this our first investment. We look forward to supporting Epistem to achieve the potential large-scale impact that Genedrive® 提供了."

Christopher Egerton-Warburton, Fund Manager +44 (0) 207 340 0404

马修墙: Chief Executive Officer ++44 (0)161 606 7258
John Rylands:财务总监

请参阅 http://www.epistem.co.uk 看看 http://www.ghif.com 了解更多信息.

Epistem是一家个性化医疗和生物技术公司,将其在感染性和上皮性疾病(肿瘤学)领域的成体干细胞专业知识商业化, 胃肠及皮肤病学). Epistem develops innovative diagnostics and biomarkers (Genedrive®), target discovery therapeutics and contract research services for drug development companies. 系统经营三个部门, 个性化医疗(诊断和生物标志物), 合同研究服务和新疗法.

For DNA genotype analysis, Epistem utilizes its proprietary Point of Care platform, Genedrive®. Genedrive® provides a major advance in next generation molecular diagnostic testing by providing a rapid, 低成本, simple to use 'Point of Care' device with high sensitivity. Genedrive® has applications across a wide range of areas including bacterial, viral and fungal identification as well as germline and somatic genotype analysis.

Epistem的个性化医疗部门还为药物开发公司提供DNA基因型分析和基因表达(mRNA/miRNA)方面的服务。. For RNA analysis, Epistem utilises its proprietary RNA-Amp™ biomarker platform. RNA-Amp是一种高灵敏度的cDNA扩增技术,用于组织活检的基因表达分析, 血, 拔下的头皮毛发, skin and laser captured microdissected (LCM) samples to measure drug-induced gene expression changes. Epistem对成人上皮细胞的了解,以及从小型起始材料中获得基因表达信息的能力,使该团队成为制药和生物技术公司提供生物标志物信息以支持药物开发计划的首选合作伙伴.

Further details of the Conversion, Early Redemption and 取消lation of the Bond are listed below:

  • Epistem may redeem the whole of the Bond on any interest payment date from 22 July 2016. In this event, GHIF may elect to receive payment in cash or Ordinary Shares. If GHIF does elect to receive payment in Ordinary Shares, 关于救赎, 目前的市场价格在4英镑或以上.89,转换价格为4英镑.89. In the event that, on redemption, the current market price is below GBP4.转换价格为当前市场价格,发行的普通股最高可达967股,298 shares with the balance of the principal of the Bond paid in cash.
  • 如果Epistem发生控制权变更(收购),且要约价格等于或高于4英镑.89, 债券将自动转换成967,298股普通股,转换价格为4英镑.89. In the event of a change of control where the offer price is below GBP4.89, 本基金可选择要求赎回债券,并要求以现金或股票形式付款, 如果是股份, the conversion price will be set at the offer price up to a maximum of 967,298 shares with the balance of the principal of the Bond paid in cash.
  • 在控制权发生变化的情况下, 债券可转换为普通股或通过发行普通股赎回,且股价低于转换价格, the maximum number of Ordinary Shares which may be issued will be 968,080 with the balance of the principal of the Bond being repaid in cash, 因此,现金支付加上普通股的转换价格价值将等于800万美元.
  • 根据合作和融资协议的条款,Epistem将被限制在最高1000万英镑的债务范围内,不得进一步向GHIF求助.