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在纽约的南布朗克斯, single mother of two Shantel was having trouble finding a job with only her high school equivalency certificate. Shantel enrolled in an 11-week work readiness instruction and career exploration program that led to a job as a dietary worker at the Montefiore Health System, part of a health-care industry that has thousands of open positions that healthcare providers are struggling to fill.

奥马尔, 一个35岁的机械师, was looking to move up and earn more at his job at a manufacturing facility in 休斯顿. 他参加了孤星社区学院的培训项目, 在获得高级认证后, 他很快就得到了提升. He is now going back to learn more skills - pursuing a college degree in engineering that will allow him to move up the ladder in a rapidly expanding industry.

Connecting job seekers to training opportunities that lead to good jobs in their communities and helping workers take the next step in their careers is what workforce development is all about. 但是企业面临的挑战, educators and government face in effectively aligning education and training programs with the real-time needs of employers are creating significant economic growth challenges. 我们如何使用数据来联系希望建立职业的求职者的新方法, 教育工作者希望为有需求的工作提供技能培训, and businesses searching for talent hold promise to solve this problem at scale.

2013年底,澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)推出了这一服务 工作中的新技能, 2.5亿澳元, five-year initiative to build demand-drive workforce systems in communities across the globe. The strategy begins with the recognition that better data is the first step to connecting jobs and training. It is critical for employers who need to understand their labor supply pipeline. It is critical for job seekers making decisions about what jobs and skills they want to pursue. 这对教育工作者提供技能和技术培训至关重要. 这对政策制定者提高经济生产率至关重要.

从2014年年中开始, we worked with leaders in real-time workforce data collection and analysis to pioneer new ways of turning labor market data into practical information in New York and 休斯顿该作品旨在展示经济、人与工作之间的联系. 今年, 我们将在芝加哥发布类似的报道, 哥伦布, 达拉斯, 底特律, 洛杉矶, 迈阿密和旧金山. 在这些报告中, we focus on the middle-skill jobs that make up nearly half our labor market -- jobs that require a high school diploma and some technical training but not necessarily a four-year college degree. These jobs typically pay well and offer pathways to advance to even higher paying jobs with increased responsibility.

在纽约市, there are one million workers in middle-skill jobs - 25% of the labor force - earning a median hour wage of close to $32, and we project that demand for middle-skill workers will continue to grow with over 44,预计每年有000个职位空缺. 在休斯顿,有1个.4 million middle skill jobs - more than 40% of the labor force -- offering economic mobility and middle-income wages starting at $20 per hour.

在纽约, the data showed that the health care and technology sectors are rapidly expanding - 45% of the total-middle skill job postings come from these sectors, 预计在未来五年内,这两个国家的增长率都将达到15%. The research also showed that many of these jobs are well compensated; in healthcare, there are 35 middle skill occupations in the region with median earnings of $25 per hour or more. 但是,超过2.6 million New Yorkers age 25 and older do not have the credentials required for these jobs.

The 休斯顿 data looks at two different sectors: petrochemical production and commercial/industrial construction and how they fit into the overall middle-skill job picture in 休斯顿. 在这些行业中,中等技能的工作岗位稳步增长, 用一个投影,到2017年,每年有1000个职位空缺. 但855年,25岁及以上的休斯顿人中有1000人没有高中文凭, and 90 percent of 休斯顿's middle skills jobs that are in the petrochemical industry demand specific skills training. 纽约的情况也是如此, the data clearly shows that if 休斯顿 could align its educational system and training opportunities with the needs of these industries, 它可以帮助许多公民走上填补这些工作岗位的正确道路.

These examples highlight the importance and value of having solid real-time data to help employers, educational institutions and potential employees make informed investments and decisions regarding education and training. Without data, employers don't know if the workforce in their region can meet their skill needs. 这同样适用于求职者. If educational attainment is not linked to the needs of businesses high schools, colleges and training providers struggle to know exactly what credentials and degrees students will need to find jobs in different sectors and industries.

Data can help identify sectors where workforce partnerships between employers and training providers can create programs that offer on-site learning opportunities for potential workers and on-the-job training, 开发人才渠道的行之有效的策略. The data could also help government agencies steer workforce investment dollars to projects that will guide workers to job opportunities that offer the potential for advancement.

Access to data and increased collaboration has already produced several partnerships that are helping workers like Shantel and 奥马尔 find long-term career paths that let them improve their skills over time and earn family-sustaining wages.