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追逐 enlists as inaugural sponsor of Carry The Load® 2015!

Bank Honors America's Fallen Military and First Responders as Presenting Sponsor of 27-day, 2,000 mile National Relay from West Point to Dallas

达拉斯,2015年3月25日 -对很多人来说, Memorial Day marks the beginning of summer and is oftentimes spent at backyard barbecues or shopping for sales. 但是追逐,美国银行.S. consumer and commercial banking business of 澳博官方网站app & Co., is stepping up to help make Memorial Day meaningful in America once again.

追逐 has become the first official 2015 Relay and Dallas Memorial March sponsor of Carry The Load. Carry The Load is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to restore the true meaning of Memorial Day. Programs for Carry The Load connect civilians to our military and first responders, 还有他们的家人, who have sacrificed to ensure our freedoms.

Memorial Day was first observed in Waterloo, N.Y. in 1882. The holiday’s 名字 became official in 1967, and it was established as the last Monday in May in 1968. Carry The Load was formed in 2011 by former Navy SEALs to help remember, honor and celebrate those who have paid the ultimate price.

追逐 will be a presenting sponsor for Carry The Load’s “National Relay,27天, 2,从美国出发的1000英里旅程.S. 西点军校,n.n.Y.到达拉斯. 火炬接力一天24小时进行, 风雨无阻, with walkers crossing 12 states and the District of Columbia between April 28 and May 24, 2015. It is used to create national awareness for the mission and inspire Americans to find ways to have a more meaningful Memorial Day.

“少数人服务多数人. Our military and first responders serve and save us every day." said Clint Bruce, a former Navy SEAL and co-founder of Carry The Load. "Carry The Load is about saying thank you. It is about reconnecting America with those who sacrifice for us daily and honoring the families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. 拥有像大通这样的公司, who can trace its history back to our earliest days as a nation, carry the load with us means so much."

追逐 will also be a local sponsor for Carry The Load’s Dallas Memorial March on Memorial Day weekend. The 20-hour and 15-minute walk through downtown Dallas begins Sunday, May 24 and ends Monday, May 25. Last year’s event drew an estimated 25,000 participants.

The bank is also establishing local rallies in cities such as Columbus, Ohio; Chicago; Jacksonville, 佛罗里达州.; Tampa, 佛罗里达州.; San Antonio; Houston; and Phoenix; allowing 追逐 employees and others in those communities to take part.

“追逐 is honored to join Carry The Load in paying tribute to the men and women who have given their lives in our defense, their families and those who continue to put themselves in harm’s way so that we may enjoy our freedom,马特·扎姆斯说, Chief Operating Officer for 澳博官方网站app. “The National Relay and community events are instrumental in connecting the American people to our military and first responders and, 最重要的是, remind us of the sacrifices they have made.”

追逐’s partnership with Carry The Load builds upon the firm’s larger commitment to help military members, veterans and their families successfully transition to their post military service lives. 自2011年以来, 追逐 has helped veterans and military family members through its employment, 住房和教育项目. 蔡斯是百强企业的创始人之一,000个工作岗位, a coalition of 190 companies dedicated to hiring veterans and military spouses.

有兴趣参与的人, donating or volunteering for a Carry The Load event can visit carrytheload.点击此处了解更多.

For more information about Carry The Load, to schedule an interview or request additional photos, 联系蕾妮·科斯曼 蕾妮.cossman@fleishman.com.

Carry The Load is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2011 by two former Navy SEALs. Carry The Load's mission is to restore the true meaning of Memorial Day by remembering, honoring and celebrating the sacrifices made on our behalf by America's military, 执法, 消防及救援人员, 还有他们的家人. Funds raised during Memorial May programs allow Carry The Load to grow its vision and execute its mission, as well as provide existing nonprofit partners with valuable visibility, 资源和有意义的联系.

大通是美国.S. consumer and commercial banking business of 澳博官方网站app & Co. (NYSE: JPM), a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2.6万亿美元,业务遍及全球. 追逐 serves nearly half of America's households with a broad range of financial services, 包括个人银行, 小企业贷款, 抵押贷款, 信用卡, auto financing and investment advice. Customers can choose how and where they want to bank: More than 5,500家分行, 18,000自动取款机, 移动, 网上和电话. 有关更多信息,请访问 追逐.com.