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澳博官方网站app宣布3美元.5 Million in New Commitments to Scale Apprenticeship Programs


2023年11月13日(纽约) – Today, 澳博官方网站app announced new and expanded philanthropic 承诺s totaling $3.5 million to support the scaling and development of apprenticeship programs nationwide. These 承诺s expand on the firm’s broader efforts to help more people, particularly those from underserved backgrounds, 进入劳动力市场,通过获得有意义的工作经验和发展关键技能来竞争高质量的职业.


  • 一百万美元给新美国. 这项承诺将帮助“新美国”扩大“促进青年学徒合作计划”(PAYA)的规模,通过将大学课程与所选领域的工作经验相结合,帮助高中生加速走上有意义的职业道路. 这项支持将使“新美国”在全国范围内获得更多合作伙伴,并在纽约等市场增加青年学徒机会, 芝加哥, 达拉斯, 和加州.
  • $1 million to WTIA Workforce 研究所 (Apprenti). 这一承诺将帮助学徒, 一家致力于弥合技术人才和多样性差距的非营利组织,以满足不断变化的劳动力需求, 扩大他们的项目规模,帮助更多来自弱势背景的人进入高薪技术岗位. The support will also help Apprenti expand into new markets such as Houston, 达拉斯 and Atlanta.
  • 100万美元给皮尔·斯科拉斯. 这一承诺将支持Per Scholas开发和试点新的网络安全学徒计划, which addresses a critical labor shortage while testing a sustainable, innovative earn-and-learn approach to achieving economic mobility. 这项支持还将帮助Per Scholas扩展其现有的网络安全培训计划套件,以每年覆盖更多的学习者, recruiting unemployed and underemployed talent from Boston, Charlotte, 芝加哥, Columbus, 达拉斯, Detroit, Los Angeles, Newark, St. Louis and Greater Washington region.
  • $500,000 to Apprenticeships for America (AFA). 这一承诺将有助于AFA促进为技术等快速增长的经济部门创建学徒计划, 医疗保健和金融服务, 等, 全国各地, create a network of partners to support those efforts, 让人们意识到学徒制是解决当前劳动力短缺和技能差距的办法.

As technology changes the labor market and the nature of work, an estimated 12 million occupational transitions may be needed by 2030. However, t在这里 is a mismatch between the skills people have and the skills employers need. This skills mismatch could cost the global economy 近8美元.5万亿美元的未实现收入. 扩大“挣得就能学”的学徒制等项目,是帮助缩小雇主所需技能与个人和学生目前拥有技能之间日益扩大的人才差距的一种方式.

Apprenticeship as a Model for Inclusive Growth

学徒制是帮助低收入和中等收入个人获得高薪就业机会的一种非常有效的方法, 为他们提供技能, experience and credentials that set them up for long-term career success. Today, only about 1,000 of the roughly 550,000 active Registered Apprentices nationwide are in the finance and insurance industries, leaving untapped opportunities to match skilled workers to careers in professional services. 激活私营部门开发或扩大这些项目可以帮助更多的人利用这些机会. 自2018年以来, 澳博官方网站app已承诺投入1500多万美元支持在全国范围内建立学徒计划,并在运营等领域支持全球10多个学徒计划, 金融与科技.

“Jobs are foundational to unlocking greater economic mobility, 高薪工作越来越需要技能和经验的结合,这在传统教育环境中很难获得,” Matthew Muench, Head of 工作和技能 for 澳博官方网站app Global Philanthropy. “将公共和私营部门的利益相关者聚集在一起,是提供基于工作的学习的关键,这将帮助更多的人进入伟大的职业生涯。. 支持正在扩展这些项目的战略和组织是这项工作的关键部分,有助于建立更强大的劳动力和经济.”

Supporting Policies to Advance Apprenticeships

Alongside its business practices and philanthropic 承诺s, the firm is committed to advancing this work through research and data-driven policy solutions. According to new recommendations from the 澳博官方网站app PolicyCenter, 建立一个更加现代化的劳动力发展体系,将高等教育与劳动力市场需求联系起来,是采取更加无缝和综合的方法来促进劳动力发展和促进“赚与学”学徒模式的关键.

这些建议, which propose updates to existing policies, lay out ways that a connected ecosystem of education, 雇主和劳动力发展计划可以创建一个系统,使工人充分准备好利用今天的机会,迎接明天的挑战. Learn more about these recommendations 在这里.


“我们很感激与澳博官方网站app合作,在美国扩大学徒制,” 鲍勃Lerman, Apprenticeships for America (AFA) board chair. “澳博官方网站app的支持使AFA能够推动建立现代学徒公私生态系统的公共政策, 从而拓宽数百万工人获得职业回报的途径,并加强美国经济的竞争力.”

“We are incredibly grateful for this generous investment, 这将增加澳博体育app力,并为全国各地成千上万的个人创造经济流动性, 其中包括为网络安全领域历史上代表性不足的新网络技术人员提供的预计8000万美元的第一年工资. 我们很高兴能与全国各地的雇主合作,使这个项目取得成功,并帮助缩小网络安全技能差距,” Plinio Ayala, Per Scholas President and CEO.

"We are so excited to extend our relationship with 澳博官方网站app for another two years. 作为一个持续的奖助金接受者, 澳博官方网站app的投资将支持我们组织的扩张,并使我们能够在全国更多的市场提供更多样化的人才安置. 专注于采购, placing and training underrepresented talent into high wage, 热门技术工作, 该公司在人才发展方面的持续投资是改变国家对人才定义所需的公私合作的一个特殊例子,” Jennifer Carlson, Executive Director and Co-founder of Apprenti.

“To compete for quality jobs and build careers in the economy of the future, high school students need postsecondary options that combine paid work experience and structured, 低成本获得学位的途径. Youth apprenticeship is a strategy uniquely designed to deliver both, while expanding talent pipelines for employers in a wide range of fields. 澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)的支持将使“新美国”能够扩大“促进青年学徒”伙伴关系的范围, 这是一项全国性的实地建设倡议,旨在推动项目创新、政策和系统发展,将学生的学习需求与行业的人才需求联系起来, ” Taylor White, National Director, Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship, New America.  

Commitment to Preparing 人 for the Future of Work

Today’s 承诺 is a part of the firm’s broader, firmwide 承诺 to preparing more people for the future of work.

2019年,该公司宣布了其 3.5亿美元, global 承诺 to preparing people for the future of work through skills development, mentorship and training and expanding access to economic opportunity. 通过其 7500万美元, global career readiness initiative and existing mentorship programs like 奖学金倡议, 该公司已经证明了其支持人们获得有前途和富有成效的经济未来的承诺.

These 承诺s are a part of the firm’s $30 billion, five-year 承诺 to increase economic opportunity for underserved communities, and to drive a more inclusive economy.

关于澳博官方网站app & Co.

澳博官方网站app & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading financial services firm based in the United States of America (“U.S.),业务遍及全球. 澳博官方网站app为3美元.9 trillion in assets and $317 billion in stockholders’ equity as of September 30, 2023. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, 商业银行, financial transaction processing and asset management. 在J下面.P. 摩根 and 追逐 brands, the Firm serves millions of customers in the U.S., and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients globally. 关于澳博官方网站app的信息 & Co. 可在 wt8n.byum.net.