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New Voices Foundation & 澳博官方网站app“推进黑人之路”启动银行训练营,帮助有色人种女性企业家建立更牢固的银行关系

新声音基金会和澳博官方网站app的推进黑人道路倡议正在开发和主办 New Voices Banking Bootcamp - a business banking educational program. 


Slated to start later this month, 该训练营旨在帮助有色人种女性企业家建立牢固的商业银行关系,并扩大她们获得资金的渠道, which is critical to business growth and success. Small businesses that are led by women of color entrepreneurs, for example, 由于薄弱的银行关系和其他因素,往往无法获得私人和公共融资机会.

The New Voices Banking Bootcamp 寻求通过提供商业银行和金融教育来填补这一空白, as well as a $10,000 award upon completion of the bootcamp.

From Monday, November 30 through December 18, the New Voices Banking Bootcamp 将举办三次密集课程,邀请15名参与者参加讲习班,以帮助他们:

  • 掌握企业财务状况,了解银行/资本模型和风险分析.
  • 与银行和其他主要金融机构建立并保持良好的关系.
  • 更好地定位他们的公司,以确保未来增长和规模的资本.

Applications for the bootcamp are open through Nov. 22.

The program design was shaped by a May 2020 survey of nearly 1,200 women of color entrepreneurs conducted by the New Voices Foundation. During the survey, 受访者分享了他们的业务如何受到COVID-19大流行的负面影响,以及他们的银行关系的细节.   

"The [survey] data reinforces what we already knew,” said Richelyna Hall, New Voices Foundation’s Chief Impact Officer. “资本对小企业成长和繁荣的重要性怎么强调都不为过. 有色人种女性企业家仍然无法获得资金,投资者既不太可能接触到这些企业家,也不太愿意使他们的申请人群体多样化. Moreover, 研究表明,大多数投资者在评估有色人种女性的融资资格时,对她们有不同的标准. 新之声致力于帮助有色女性领导的企业学习和实施银行和金融的最佳实践, 新声音银行训练营将为参与者启动这一过程."

新声音基金会和澳博官方网站app的推进黑人道路敏锐地意识到存在, 企业家与贷款机构关系的质量和/或深度对其获得商业贷款批准的机会有重大影响.

根据新之声基金会2020年5月的调查,几乎有四分之三(72.86%) of the respondents said they have either a weak relationship, very weak relationship, or no relationship with any type of lending institution. A recent Federal Reserve Bank of New York report 1 证实了黑人企业家在COVID-19大流行中处于惊人劣势的发现:

“我们发现,与白人拥有的公司相比,黑人雇主的公司不太可能从强大的财务状况中进入大流行, with smaller shares of Black firms operating at a profit, having a high credit score, and using retained business earnings to fund the business. [42%]至少符合其中两项标准,而白人雇主的这一比例为73%."

新声音基金会(New Voices Foundation)和澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)的“推进黑人道路”(Advancing Black Pathways)同样致力于改变少数族裔女性企业主的叙事.

“我们致力于建设和推进包容性银行体系, and as part of this effort, 我们有意专注于帮助黑人和拉丁裔企业家获得资本, 他们发展和扩大业务所需的工具和见解,” said Brian Lamb, JPMorgan Chase’s Global Head of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. “与新声音基金会的合作与我们投资黑人和拉丁裔就业创造者的努力是一致的, and put them on a pathway to sustained success.”


Interested participants can apply here.



• Incorporated business for at two years
• Majority ownership by a female founder of color
• Evidence of customer traction and market validation
• Revenue of $50,000+ in 2019

About New Voices Foundation

New Voices Foundation is a ground-breaking, 社区建设工作旨在为有色人种女性创造一个更具包容性的创业生态系统. 该基金会帮助这些企业家通过领导力和技能发展取得商业成功, access to capital, and networking opportunities, 以及其他创新的领导举措——对企业家来说是没有成本的. Driven by its PACE (Purpose, Access Capital, Expertise) model, 新之声基金会投资于各种各样的项目,包括创业峰会, accelerators, pitch competitions, coaching, master classes, 更重要的是,促进有色人种女性企业家对我国经济和社会的重大贡献.

About JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.2 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. Morgan and Chase brands.


Justin Grant, justin.p.grant@jpmchase.com


Advancing Black Pathways Racial Equity