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Morgan Health: Improving Employer-Sponsored Health Care Requires Federal Policymakers to Prioritize Value-Based Reforms

Lagging adoption of accountable care in employer-sponsored insurance requires federal action

Recommended policy reforms provide roadmap for bipartisan collaboration to address data, 工作的挑战

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 8, 2023 – To improve health care for 160 million Americans with employer-sponsored insurance (ESI), Morgan Health urges federal policymakers to prioritize reforms that advance and help scale accountable care within the country’s largest insurance sector. Given the lagging adoption of accountable care in ESI relative to Medicare and Medicaid, Congress and the Biden-Harris Administration can support bipartisan solutions designed to enhance data sharing, 加强卫生保健队伍, and as a result, 有意义地加速雇主的问责关怀倡议.

“An overwhelming majority of Americans have yet to see the full benefit of value-based care—a growing disconnect from the federal government’s focus on advancing a value-based agenda in public programs,丹·门德尔松说, 摩根健康公司首席执行官. “While employers have made meaningful strides to deliver innovative care and benefits to employees, there are long-standing barriers that require Congress and the federal government to act in tandem with the private sector.”

按服务付费模式, 提供者和专家的报酬是基于所提供的护理量, 而不是改善病人的健康. 根据 最新市场数据, fewer than 13 percent of commercial insurance payments in 2021 were tied to two-sided financial risk for improvements in health outcomes, compared to more than 35 percent of payments in Medicare Advantage and 24 percent in traditional Medicare. 这些不正当的激励措施削弱了雇主提供无障碍服务的能力, 高质量的初级和负责任的医疗方案, 并最终促成 员工之间健康结果的普遍差距.

Since its launch in 2021, Morgan Health, a JPMorgan Chase business unit located in Washington, D.C., 是否专注于提高质量, affordability and equity of employer-sponsored health care for JPMorgan Chase employees and the millions of Americans who receive coverage through their work. 通过自己的努力来投资, 扩大和实施新的负责任医疗模式, Morgan Health has identified bipartisan solutions that will speed the adoption of these innovative care models while improving access to mental and behavioral health services for those with ESI. 这些建议包括: 

  • 推进整个卫生保健系统的数据质量和统一标准.
  • 解决初级卫生和行为卫生方面的人力短缺问题.

“Employee health issues are often categorized as being out of reach given ERISA regulations, and as a result, many workers and their families contend with an antiquated health system that doesn’t prioritize quality, 负担能力或权益,奥瑞尔·理查森说, 卫生公平和政策副总裁, said. “These solutions represent the fundamental building blocks of a health system that is accountable for health improvement and equitable care for an increasingly diverse workforce.”


医疗保健的支付、提供和质量取决于干净、一致的数据. Yet, 雇主面临的障碍, 保健计划和提供者继续阻碍有意义的数据收集, 使用和报告.


  • Finalizing a 最近关于建立一个集中的、全国性的供应商目录的提议. 在最近给CMS管理员奇基塔·布鲁克斯-拉索的一封信中, Mendelson noted that a national provider directory would support efforts to provide a “more accurate picture of where individuals are seeking care, helping to inform benefit design refinements and network improvements needed to optimize access to and quality of care delivered to members across geographies and specialties.”
  • 使现有的HIPAA法规现代化 更好地反映当前的技术和商业交易,使供应商, 健康计划和第三方管理员可以安全地通信, 有效和实时地围绕护理提供.
  • Providing 种族/民族数据收集、使用和报告的一致标准 这是私营部门和联邦政府之间的合作, building on the forthcoming update from the Administration to federal data and reporting requirements.


在2019冠状病毒病大流行之后, Congress has rightly sought out ways to bolster and 加强卫生保健队伍 amid widespread burnout among providers and growing recognition around the need for greater diversity and representation among clinicians. 作为澳博官方网站app的一部分 致力于改善所服务社区的健康状况, the firm has invested in job skills and training programs specifically focused on addressing gaps in local health care delivery systems.

Growth in the demand for whole-person health services has prompted greater interest in expanding the primary and behavioral health care workforces to maximize the skills of non-physician providers. To expand access to these critical services, policymakers should prioritize the following:

  • Encouraging accountable care arrangements that promote primary care with full integration of primary behavioral health care. 在初级保健和行为保健完全结合的模式中, the number of patients who receive behavioral health services increased alongside a reduction in the total cost of care.
  • While scope of practice laws are regulated at the state level, where federal policymakers can empower non-physicians’ ability to practice to the top of their licenses and improve reimbursement for behavioral health care services 会产生更多的行为保健服务吗.

有关建议改革的更多详情,请 click here.


J.P. 摩根是金融服务领域的全球领导者, 为世界上最重要的公司提供解决方案, 100多个国家的政府和机构. We also lead volunteer service activities for employees in local communities by utilizing our many resources, 包括那些源于资本获取的问题, 规模经济, 全球影响力和专业知识.


Morgan Health is a JPMorgan Chase business unit focused on improving employer-sponsored health care. 通过投资和促进问责制护理, 摩根健康公司正在努力提高质量, equity and affordability of employer-sponsored health care for JPMorgan Chase employees, 他们的家人和美国.S. health system. 该公司由丹·门德尔松(Dan Mendelson)领导, 摩根健康公司首席执行官, Peter Scher报道, 澳博官方网站app副董事长 & Co. 也是公司运营委员会的成员. 摩根健康总部设在华盛顿特区.C. Visit www.morganhealth.com.