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JPMorgan Chase Announces Major Expansion in
Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley





September 24, 2018 (PHILADELPHIA, PA) 澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)今天宣布将其分支网络扩展到费城和特拉华谷,并宣布了几项新的承诺,以支持该地区的经济增长和劳动力发展. This expansion is part of the firm’s recent $20 billion, five-year investment in its business and local economic growth.

Over the next five years, 澳博官方网站app计划在特拉华河谷地区开设约50家新分行,并招聘300名新员工, 为当地客户提供银行服务,同时为当地居民创造就业机会. Currently, the firm has nearly 5,在23个州开设100家分行,并计划开设400家新分行,并招聘多达3名员工,000 employees in new markets in the next five years.

该公司董事长兼首席执行官杰米•戴蒙表示:“特拉华河谷对我们来说是一个非常重要的市场. “我们已经有数千名员工每天为我们的客户服务. 这将为该地区的人们创造更多有医疗和退休计划的高薪工作, and better serve our existing and new customers.”

此次扩张将增加该公司目前超过100万消费者和30多万消费者的基础,在费城和特拉华河谷地区拥有5000个商业客户. 该银行在该地区开展业务已近20年,拥有超过11家银行,000 current employees, including in its major credit card hub in Wilmington, Delaware.

“To us, this expansion is so much more than building a branch. This is about new relationships with customers, communities and employees,” said Thasunda Duckett, CEO, Chase Consumer Banking. “When we build a branch, 我们把它周围的整个社区都抬起来——承包商来建造分支机构, cafes and other small businesses to support the customer traffic. It’s a very positive ripple effect.该公司正在积极招聘员工,以支持其在特拉华山谷的新分支机构. 费城分行初级员工的工资将不低于16美元.50/hour and will receive the firm’s full benefits package, which is valued at an average of $12,000 annually per employee in this pay range. It includes health care coverage and retirement savings, as well. To help ease the burden of out-of-pocket medical expenses, 该公司最近还为年收入低于60美元的员工减少了每年750美元的医疗计划免赔额,000.

In addition to expanding its branch network to the region, 澳博官方网站app将通过新的本地承诺,带来其最好的业务和慈善努力,包括:

Home & Small Business Lending世界银行将在未来五年内投资30亿美元用于该地区的抵押贷款和小企业贷款.

  • Home loans will include low-and moderate-income communities. Eligible customers will also receive up to $3,000美元的房屋所有权补助,减少了客户在购买时需要支付的现金,可以用于结算成本和首付款,这是购买房屋的两个常见障碍.
  • 小企业将有机会获得专门的银行家和产品,包括小企业贷款, merchant services, cash management and credit card services. Also, through its Small Business Forward initiative, the firm will provide women, 少数族裔和退伍军人拥有的小企业获得资金和技术援助的机会增加.

Philanthropic Commitment澳博官方网站app还将投入500万美元支持肯辛顿大道商业走廊的复兴,为费城最缺乏服务的社区之一带来急需的资源. 作为2018年提高社区机会合作伙伴关系(“PRO社区”)获奖者, 肯辛顿del Corazón合作成员包括费城LISC, Impact Services, FINANTA, 社区第一基金(Community First Fund)将把这些资金用于小企业贷款和混合用途开发,以推动肯辛顿地区的包容性增长. PRO Neighborhoods is a five-year, 1.25亿美元的倡议,旨在解决导致不平等的主要因素,并解决美国服务不足社区面临的挑战.

“我们很自豪澳博官方网站app不仅将业务扩展到费城地区, 还投资于肯辛顿社区的长期经济解决方案,” said Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney. “Together, 我们正在创造新的就业机会,让更多的居民走上繁荣之路, revitalize neighborhoods and strengthen our local economy.”

作为其致力于劳动力发展和帮助残疾人成功职业生涯的一部分, the firm also announced today Spectrum Scholars, 为想要学习计算机科学或电气和计算机工程的自闭症学生提供的从大学到职业的计划. In partnership with the University of Delaware, 该项目将在整个大学期间提供免费的学术指导和促进就业的机会以及其他支持. 澳博官方网站app将通过在该公司实习提供在职培训, 参与者有可能被聘为全职工作.

了解更多关于澳博官方网站app在费城和特拉华河谷的扩张, please visit chase.com/philly.

About JPMorgan Chase
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.6 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. Morgan and Chase brands. Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at wt8n.byum.net.