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J.P. 摩根在线投资提高了新账户奖励的门槛

Offers clients up to $500 when they refer friends for Online Self-Directed Investing

纽约,纽约- 2022年1月19日- J.P. 摩根财富管理公司(摩根财富管理)正在提高对新的和现有J.P. 摩根自主投资 clients to promote commission-free unlimited online trading.

Existing customers will receive a $50 bonus deposited to their account for each person they recommend who opens a Self-Directed Investing account through the refer-a-friend link. Existing customers can receive up to a total of a $500 credit in their account a year for the referrals. New clients will have the opportunity to earn up to $625 credited to their account when they open a J.P. 摩根自主投资账户.

“靠自己积累财富是一种赋权的经历. 当你达到人生的里程碑, 你想与你的朋友和网络分享你的故事,保罗·维尼克说, J.P. 摩根财富管理. “投资者 who use the award-winning 追逐 app to trade are increasingly happier with their experience as we expand the tools we offer, 我们希望我们的客户能分享这一点. 没有什么比你认识并信任的人给你背书更好的了.”

与J.P. 摩根自主投资, 客户可以从数千种股票中进行选择, 共同基金及期权1 to make unlimited commission-free trades online or through the 追逐 app. Clients can take advantage of personalized market news as well as portfolio builders and watchlists to help choose investments that fit their priorities right from their mobile device. They can take charge of their finances all in one place and easily move cash from a 追逐 checking or savings account to invest. As part of a solid global financial institution, clients also have access to top-ranked J.P. 摩根 research to make informed investment decisions on their terms to help them build wealth over time.

New customers can receive $125 for Self-Directed Investing accounts funded with $25,000, 存款额在100美元以上的账户要支付300美元,存入250美元的账户将获得625美元的奖励,000或更多. 资金必须来自非大通或非j.P. 摩根账户. 新客户可通过以下方式兑换优惠 这个链接.

J.P. 摩根在线投资, 2018年推出, is a secure and reliable platform able to weather volatile markets and provide investors an easy-to-use trading experience. 该公司继续大力投资于技术, 研究和产品更好地服务和保护客户.

Self-directed investing is becoming more popular with customers who are increasingly engaging with their banks via mobile apps and digitally supported tools. 你可以在以下网站了解更多关于这一趋势的信息: 自主投资的兴起

关于J.P. 摩根财富管理
J.P. 摩根财富管理公司是美国最大的财富管理公司.S. 澳博官方网站app的财富管理业务 & Co.是一家全球领先的金融服务公司,资产为3亿美元.7万亿美元,业务遍及全球. J.P. 摩根财富管理 has ~5,000 advisors and more than $700 billion of assets under supervision. 客户可以选择他们想投资的方式和地点. 他们可以通过数字方式、远程方式或亲自与J.P. 摩根顾问在我们遍布美国的4800家大通分行之一.S.,或在我们21个办事处中的任何一个. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.jpmorganwealthmanagement.com 并遵循 @JPMWealth 在推特上. 要了解更多关于J.P. 摩根在线投资,访问 http://to www.Chase.com/personal/investments/online-investing



推荐奖金适用于符合条件的J.P. 摩根自主投资账户 holders approximately 30 days after account opening. To receive the $50 Refer-A-Friend bonus: 1) Refer your family and friends to open and fund a J.P. 摩根自主投资账户 through this referral site; 2) Referred candidate must open a new eligible J.P. 摩根自主投资账户(仅限一般投资) and fund a minimum of $200 of new money in cash or securities within 45 days of their coupon enrollment; AND 3) After your referred candidate has opened and funded their J.P. 摩根自主投资账户, we'll deposit the $50 bonus into your J.P. 在15天内开立摩根自主投资账户, provided both the customer and referral accounts are not closed or restricted at the time of payout. You can receive up to 10 referral bonus deposits (totaling $500) per calendar year.

*Bonuses may be considered income and may be reportable to you and the IRS on Form 1099-MISC ("Miscellaneous information") or Form 1042-S ("Foreign Person's U.S. 来源收入须扣缴”),如适用.

澳博官方网站app员工 & Co. 及其附属公司不符合推荐朋友计划的资格.

Refer-A-Friend program is available for the following account types: New J.P. 摩根自主投资账户(仅限一般投资). This offer does not apply to Self-Directed Investing Traditional IRA or Roth IRA accounts, J.P. 摩根自动投资公司或任何J.P. 摩根顾问.

Offer eligibility and restrictions: *Cash promotion is limited to one per customer and can only be applied to one new J.P. 摩根自主投资账户(仅限一般投资). To enroll in the up to $625 offer, you must open an account through this page. This offer does not apply to Self-Directed Investing Traditional IRA or Roth IRA accounts, J.P. 摩根自动投资公司或任何J.P. 摩根顾问. 领取现金奖金:

1)客户必须开设并资助一个新的符合条件的J.P. 摩根自主投资账户新增资金25美元,从非大通或非j.P. 摩根账户 and the qualifying new money cannot be existing deposits, 阁下在澳博官方网站app或其联属公司持有的基金或证券. New money must be transferred within 45 days of coupon enrollment date.

2) At day 45 from coupon enrollment, the bonus tier will be determined in the following manner:


$25,000-$99,999                  $125

$100,000-$249,999            $300

$250,000+                              $625

3) The new money balance must be maintained in the account for at least 90 days from the coupon enrollment (losses due to trading or market fluctuation will not be taken into account).

Cash bonus will be credited to the account within 15 days of these requirements being met. 您只能参加一次大通私人客户支票SM、大通蓝宝石SM 检查或J.P. 摩根自主投资 new money bonus in a 12 month period from the last bonus enrollment date. 此券仅限使用一次,每个帐户只能获得一次奖励. 帐户类型和其他限制适用. Offer terms are subject to change and/or termination without advance notice. 现金奖励的价值可被视为收入, 我们可能会被要求派你去, 并向国税局申报, 表格1099-MISC(“杂项资料”), 或1042-S表格(“外籍人士美国公民身份表”).S. 来源收入须扣缴”),如适用. 您有责任承担与该奖项相关的任何税务责任. 请 consult your own tax advisor if you have any questions about your personal tax situation.





J.P. 摩根财富管理是澳博官方网站app的一项业务 & Co.该公司通过J . o . com提供投资产品和服务.P. 摩根证券有限责任公司, 注册经纪自营商和投资顾问, FINRA和SIPC成员. 年金可通过大通保险代理公司获得. (CIA), a licensed insurance agency, doing business as 追逐 Insurance Agency Services, Inc. 在佛罗里达. Certain custody and other services are provided by 澳博官方网站app Bank, N.A. (部门). JPMS, CIA and JPMCB are affiliated companies under the common control of 澳博官方网站app & Co. 产品不在所有州提供.

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