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JPMorgan Chase, 东芝和Ciena建立首个用于保护关键任务区块链应用的量子密钥分配网络



NEW YORK, NY; HANOVER, MD – February 17, 2022 – In groundbreaking research, JPMorgan Chase, 东芝和Ciena已经展示了首个用于大都市地区的量子密钥分发(QKD)网络的完全可行性, 能够抵抗量子计算攻击,并能够在现实环境条件下支持800gbps的关键任务应用数据速率.

研究组展示了新开发的QKD网络能够即时发现并防御窃听者. 研究了现实环境因素对量子信道质量的影响,并采用qkd安全光信道部署和保护了J.P. Morgan, the world's first bank-led, production-grade, peer-to-peer blockchain network. 这是业界首次展示QKD保护关键任务区块链应用程序.

澳博官方网站app应用研究与工程未来实验室(FLARE)和全球网络基础设施团队的领导下, 这三个机构的研究人员通力合作,取得了以下显著成果:

  • QKD信道首次与超高带宽800gbps光信道在同一光纤上复用,并用于为数据流加密提供密钥. 
  • 在70km光纤中,量子信道与2个800gbps和8个100gbps信道共存, 密钥率足以支持多达258个AES-256加密通道,密钥刷新率为1个密钥/秒. 
  • 演示了QKD和10个高带宽信道的操作,距离可达100公里.  
  • 概念验证网络基础设施依赖于东芝的多路复用QKD系统, manufactured by Toshiba Europe at their Cambridge UK base, and Ciena’s Waveserver 5 platform, 配备800gbps的光层加密和开放api,运行在Ciena的6500光子解决方案上. The tests were conducted in JPMorgan Chase’s fiber optic production simulation lab.

“Security is paramount for JPMorgan Chase,” said Marco Pistoia, PhD, Distinguished Engineer and Head of the FLARE Research group, JPMorgan Chase. “这项工作是在一个重要的时刻进行的,因为我们继续为引入生产质量的量子计算机做准备, 在可预见的未来,哪些技术将改变区块链和加密货币等技术的安全格局. 我们很自豪能够在与该领域的行业领导者合作的同时,处于为实际应用开发QKD技术的前沿, such as Toshiba and Ciena.”

At this time, QKD是唯一被数学证明可以抵御潜在的基于量子计算的攻击的解决方案, with security guarantees based on the laws of quantum physics.

Steve Alexander, Chief Technology Officer, Ciena, added, “每天都有更多的敏感信息通过光纤网络传播, robust encryption is of vital importance. As the quantum computing era approaches, 研究和开发的进展将继续确保关键数据在网络上传输时的保密性.”

“Ciena一直在推动创新网络技术所能达到的极限. We were the first to achieve 200 Gbps encryption, then first to obtain 400 Gbps. Now we are the first to offer 800 Gbps encryption to the industry. 与澳博官方网站app和东芝等具有前瞻性的公司合作至关重要,因为我们将继续构建更安全、更高效的网络解决方案,以支持我们的数字世界.”

“基于这个项目的成功,我们现在有了一种经过验证和测试的方法来防御区块链上的量子攻击,” said Yasushi Kawakura, Vice President and General Manager Digital Solutions Division, Toshiba America, Inc. “Toshiba is proud to contribute our QKD technology to this first-of-its-kind solution.”

苏雷什·谢蒂(Suresh Shetty), Onyx杰出工程师兼区块链工程负责人.P. Morgan, shared, “我们很高兴能够证明,QKD可以有效地保护link网络中各个节点之间的通信,防止未来的量子攻击.”

Read the full research paper here.

About JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $3.7 trillion and operations worldwide. 澳博官方网站app为美国数以百万计的消费者和世界上许多最著名的公司提供服务, institutional and government clients. With over 50,000 technologists globally and an annual tech spend of $12 billion, JPMorgan Chase is dedicated to improving the design, analytics, development, coding, 用于创建高质量软件和新产品的测试和应用程序编程. Visit jpmorgan.com/technology for more information.

About JPMorgan Chase’s Future Lab for Applied Research and Engineering (FLARE)

澳博官方网站app的FLARE项目设计并开展了多项前沿技术的研究, 为了实现新的发现和发明,并为公司的客户和企业提供和开发下一代解决方案. FLARE’s immediate focus areas include the fields of Quantum Computing, Cloud Computing, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, and Internet of Things.

FLARE团队总部设在纽约,是全球技术战略创新的一部分 & Partnerships organization, with researchers distributed across the world in all strategic technology areas. Visit jpmorgan.com/technology/flare for more information.

About Toshiba

Founded in 1965, Toshiba America, Inc. (TAI)是东京东芝公司的子公司,也是东芝四家运营公司的控股公司,为住宅提供广泛的产品和解决方案, commercial and industrial sectors. The four companies, which along with TAI are known collectively as Toshiba America Group, are Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. (Semiconductor solutions), Toshiba America Energy Systems, Corp. (发电解决方案)、东芝国际株式会社(工业、电力电子) & transmission & distribution solutions) and Toshiba America Research, Inc. (R&D).

About Ciena

Ciena (NYSE: CIEN) is a networking systems, services and software company. 我们提供解决方案,帮助我们的客户创建自适应NetworkÔ,以响应其最终用户不断变化的需求. 通过高接触咨询关系提供一流的网络技术, we build the world’s most agile networks with automation, openness and scale. For updates on Ciena, follow us on Twitter @Ciena, LinkedIn, the Ciena Insights blog, or visit www.ciena.com.

Media Contact

Jennifer Lavoie

