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澳博官方网站app’s The Fellowship Initiative Launches in Washington D.C. to Help More Young Men of Color Access Economic Opportunity

The firm will partner with 青年的指导’s Becoming a Man program to deliver intensive academic, 社会, emotional and 职业生涯 readiness programming to hundreds of Black, Hispanic and Latino young men in four District of Columbia Public Schools


(2021年12月1日-华盛顿特区.C.), 澳博官方网站app and 青年的指导 today announced an expansion of their respective programs, 奖学金倡议(TFI)和成为一个男人(BAM), 到华盛顿特区.C. to help young men of color forge local pathways to graduation and post-secondary success. TFI and BAM will work with District of Columbia Public Schools (D.C. Public Schools) to improve the economic and 社会 outcomes for hundreds of young men of color from four public schools in Wards 5, 6, 7和8.    

2019年,43%的D.C. Public Schools students were considered “at-risk” under a local statutory designation covering students who receive certain public benefits, 体验无家可归, 在寄养系统里吗, 或者在高中已经超龄了, 根据 D.C. 政策中心 研究.

通过这个密集的, multi-year school-based program hundreds of high school students will receive academic coaching, 大学和职业准备服务, 社会和心理健康支持, and leadership development that helps put them on a path toward greater economic mobility. 学生 will also be matched with mentors and a licensed clinician counselor throughout the program.  

“年轻人是我们下一代的领导者, 但是太多了, 尤其是在有色人种社区, don’t have access to the high-quality education and 职业生涯 experiences they need for a successful future,” 杰米·戴蒙,澳博官方网站app董事长兼首席执行官. “The Fellowship Initiative has a proven track record of helping to close the academic opportunity gap and bringing it 到华盛顿特区.C. will help put more young men of color on a path toward greater economic mobility.”

澳博官方网站app’s The Fellowship Initiative launched in 2010 and provides comprehensive and hands-on academic, 社会 and emotional support to young men of color in high school. 在过去十年中, TFI has matched more than 350 high school Fellows in New York, 芝加哥, 达拉斯和洛杉矶, 澳博官方网站app的导师. In 2020, TFI承诺将该计划扩大到1,000 more Fellows nationally over the next 10 years and has since expanded to Houston and Oakland. 公司在D的投资.C. 该计划是其更广泛的 300亿美元的种族平等承诺 并建立在 3.5亿美元,为期五年的全球倡议 让人们为未来的工作做好准备.

The BAM program has received national recognition from former President Obama as an evidenced approach to trauma reduction and violence prevention for young men of color who are at-risk for being involved in violent crime or dropping out of high school. Recent 研究 reveals that while around 94 percent of BAM participants have encountered trauma and around 70 percent report symptoms of depression, nearly 60 percent report a substantial decrease in feelings of depression after one year of participation.

This new effort will bring together aspects of both programs to serve D.C. 公立学校的学生在四.C. 21-22区公立学校:

  • 邓巴高中(第五区)
  • 东区高中(六区)
  • H.D. 伍德森高中(七区)
  • 朗布朗大学预备高中(第八区)

“The BAM and TFI programs have an incredible track record of placing black and brown young men on a path of personal and professional growth. 他说,对这些年轻人来说,参与是一种解放 青年指导执行主任Rasheem Rooke.”  And now, BAMFI can continue that tradition in Washington, D.C. We can ensure that our young men are not held bondage to the false ideas of low-esteem, 绝望, 和自卑. 而不是, they will be liberated by the limitless possibilities of what tomorrow holds and a brighter future. I am excited that this partnership will allow us to have greater impact among young men of color in DCPS.”

“D.C. Public Schools is dedicated to promoting equity and creating joyful, student-centered learning experiences that position students furthest away from opportunity with the skills and platform to amplify their voices, 加深他们的自我意识, 并提高他们的领导能力,” D.C. 公立学校校长刘易斯. Ferebee. “This partnership advances our commitment to closing the opportunity gap and ensuring each of our students have the supports they need to excel in college, 职业生涯, 和生活. We are grateful for this investment in our young men of color and the partnership with The Fellowship Initiative.”

在过去十年中, 100 percent of TFI graduates have been accepted into postsecondary opportunities, with more than half of the participants being the first in their family to attend college. BAM成立于2001年, high school graduation rates of participants have increased by nearly 20% in the cities it operates, 94%的参与者高中毕业, 根据 芝加哥大学的研究.

“When I enrolled in TFI, I didn't know where I wanted to go in life,” 萨吉德·穆罕默德,TFI研究员. “除了帮我找到一位伟大的导师, 积累技能,争取我的第一份实习, TFI帮助我了解了准备上大学的意义, 无论是精神上还是学术上. This helped me achieve a lot of success in my first year at Howard University.”



澳博官方网站app & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $3.7万亿美元,业务遍及全球. 这家公司是投资银行业务的领导者, 为消费者和小企业提供金融服务, 商业银行, 金融交易处理, 资产管理. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 澳博官方网站app & Co. serves millions of customers in the United States and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, 其J.P. 摩根和大通品牌. 关于澳博官方网站app的信息 & Co. 可在 wt8n.byum.net.


青年的指导 creates and implements school-based programs that enable youth to overcome obstacles, 关注他们的教育和, 最终, 在学校和生活中取得成功. 青年的指导 is a leading provider of outcomes-driven programs and capacity-building initiatives, 直接服务13个以上,在芝加哥有1000名青少年, 波士顿, 西雅图, 洛杉矶, 和伦敦. 我们的战略发展交付领域是咨询 & 预防、社区 & 课后规划和青年劳动力发展.



