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JPMorgan Chase Delivers Over $1 Billion in Community Development Financing

Provided over $500 million in financing to Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs)

Financed over $500 million in New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) investments

澳博官方网站app今日详细介绍了其在2021年提供的支持,通过为社区发展金融机构(CDFIs)和新市场税收抵免(NMTC)投资提供融资,帮助推动包容性经济增长. The firm has been working with CDFIs and making NMTC investments for over two decades, and further strengthened its support as part of its $30 Billion Racial Equity Commitment.

cdfi和NMTC的投资都将公司的触角深入到服务不足的社区,通过支持经济适用房的开发来实现变革, community facilities and small businesses that contribute to thriving neighborhoods, such as grocery stores, daycare centers, schools and health clinics. This financing also incentivizes and drives funding, helping to create jobs and address important economic and social inequities in under-resourced areas.

今天,该公司正在通过慈善资本和金融产品提供支持,以了解其影响. Throughout 2021, JPMorgan Chase:

1.       Provided over $500 million in financing to CDFIs to expand access to capital and create impact

澳博官方网站app为来自公司不同部门的cdfi提供支持,以提供从慈善事业到债务的融资. The firm also collaborates closely with CDFIs and provides additional resources and technical assistance, such as support from its Service Corps program, 如何将员工团队与非营利组织相匹配,在那里他们可以利用自己的商业头脑和多样化的技能来支持组织的可持续性和增加社区影响.

“By bringing together the firm’s resources, we are able to provide innovative solutions that extend beyond traditional philanthropy," said Erin Robert, Head of Impact Finance at JPMorgan Chase. “通过与整个组织的同事合作,我们能够从多个角度解决问题.”

Last year, 该公司向cdfi提供了超过5亿美元的融资,以支持100多个专门用于社区发展的贷款基金. As part of its Racial Equity Commitment, 该公司承诺在五年内为cdfi提供典型年度融资的基础上再增加3亿美元, and it has achieved over 60% of its goal.

Examples of financing for CDFIs include:

  • Accelerator Fund: 澳博官方网站app为低收入投资基金(LIIF)管理的4500万美元基金提供了700万美元融资, 以其旨在支持种族平等的全面社区发展战略服务于目的社区网络, economic mobility and improved health outcomes.
  • Finance Justice Fund: 澳博官方网站app承诺向机遇金融网络(OFN)的金融正义基金提供2000多万美元融资,以解决长期存在的撤资问题, the racial wealth gap and persistent poverty nationwide. The capital is a composition of senior and subordinated debt and philanthropy, 精心设计,以灵活的方式促进催化增长,帮助OFN接触到支持最缺乏服务的社区的cdfi.
  • Equitable Path Forward (EPF) Growth Fund: With its $40 million investment, the firm anchored the loan fund managed by Enterprise Community Loan Fund to provide flexible entity-level capital in the form of unsecured, low-cost, working capital and predevelopment financing to Black, Latino and other historically marginalized developers.

澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)与其种族平等承诺相关的CDFI资金已经投入使用,并正在支持全国各地的社区发展活动. Neighborhood Development Company (NDC)—an early lending recipient of the EPF Growth Fund—is a Washington, D.C.-based, minority-owned commercial real estate development company. NDC provides solutions for a broad range of community challenges including affordable housing shortages, food deserts and space for local entrepreneurs. With the capital from the EPF Growth Fund, NDC expects to compete for larger, mission-driven projects in emerging neighborhoods, as well as invest in its business operations, such as adding staff and enhancing technology.

“Our goal has always been to do more than just build buildings. We want to create healthy, sustainable communities,” said Adrian Washington, CEO and Founder of NDC. “我们通过将人们聚集在一起并提供具有积极和持久影响的发展来加强社区. Our hands-on approach, coupled with the long cycle for development, requires capital. 我们从公积金增长基金获得的资金对我们创造有潜力改变和满足繁荣社区需求的物业至关重要.”

2.       Distributed over $500 million in NMTC financing to revitalize distressed communities

Throughout 2021, JPMorgan Chase provided over $500 million in NMTC financing to help stimulate economic growth. These NMTC resources fill project financing gaps, enabling investors to provide more funding than would typically be possible. 作为其种族平等承诺的一部分,该公司承诺在2025年之前每年为NMTC额外提供1亿美元的融资. At the end of 2020, JPMorgan Chase also established a NMTC racial equity initiative, 如何利用NMTC的投资,通过惠及主要为黑人服务的黑人拥有或领导的项目,来刺激增长和包容. Since then, through the end of December 2021, the firm has financed over $221 million in NMTC investments across 16 projects.

In Chicago, for example, JPMorgan Chase made an equity investment to support $14.5 million in NMTC financing for Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GAGDC)与Auburn Gresham社区的一个20世纪20年代的建筑进行了再开发,作为一个多租户的健康生活方式中心,该地区历史上缺乏医疗设施. The new space is intended to fill voids in a community previously without a pharmacy, sit-down restaurants and federally qualified health centers (FQHC). The healthy lifestyle hub will be home to an expansion site for the University of Illinois Mile Square Health, a FQHC, and a locally-owned pharmacy and radiology facility.

“Having access to a safe and stable place to live is critical, but vibrant and diverse neighborhoods offer more than housing,” said Kevin Goldsmith, Director of Tax Credits and Intermediaries Lending at JPMorgan Chase. “Working with community organizations, nonprofits and financial institutions, 我们正在为具有高影响力的开发项目提供资金,这些项目有可能促进催化增长,并帮助塑造健康的社区,使居民能够茁壮成长.”

Projects that attract NMTC investments strive to create jobs, GAGDC创建了奥本格雷沙姆本地劳动力计划,重点是通过提供就业和发展机会来建立和维持社区财富. The program supports local residents with training and skill-based certifications, including environmental remediation and asbestos removal. When participants finish their work and complete their time in the program, they are more highly skilled, certified and capable of securing higher-paying jobs.

“健康的社区通过提供解决居民整体健康问题的服务来提供更高质量的生活, mental and financial. 这一直是我们的指导原则,因为我们开发了奥本格雷沙姆健康生活方式中心来支持我们的社区,” said Carlos Nelson, CEO of GAGDC. “我们很自豪地说,这项重建工作不仅仅是一栋建筑,它是一项变革和合作的倡议,正在振兴我们的社区,并使居民能够在这里为子孙后代茁壮成长.”

Additional projects JPMorgan Chase supported with NMTC funding include:

  • Meals on Wheels San Antonio (MOWSA)澳博官方网站app的股权投资将为NMTC提供2100万美元的融资支持,这将使MOWSA能够建造一个新的设施,以满足该地区日益增长的老年人口的需求. 新设施将包括一个扩大的商业厨房,以增加膳食生产和一个更大的阿尔茨海默氏症活动中心, along with more programming and administrative space. MOWSA expects to serve 8,575 seniors annually, a 27% increase in capacity from its existing facility.
  • Caritas Center: JPMorgan Chase provided an equity investment to support $39.为圣罗莎教区天主教慈善机构提供500万美元的NMTC资金,以便为正在经历无家可归或面临无家可归风险的人建造一个综合服务中心. Caritas Center includes a 192-bed family shelter, children's program, 38-bed recuperation shelter, drop-in center, and a medical clinic run by partner Santa Rosa Community Health. Three CDFIs, including TELACU Community Capital, Clearinghouse CDFI and Enterprise, provided the NMTC for the transaction.
  • Promise Academy II当前位置澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)提供的1800万美元NMTC融资支持,正在帮助将东哈莱姆的空置城市土地重新开发成一个多功能开发项目,其中将包括700套经济适用房和一所由哈莱姆儿童区(Harlem Children’s Zone)运营的小学。, which will provide high-quality, standards-based academic programs for students. Both students and their families will also have access to HCZ’s comprehensive network of supports, including counseling, benefits assistance and other social services.

Economic opportunity is deeply rooted in neighborhood conditions. Healthy, vibrant communities provide access to vital facilities that support health, education, job opportunities and other measures of wellness. 澳博官方网站app始终致力于通过扩大获得资本和服务的渠道,帮助人们赋权,加强社区建设,以促进公平增长和包容.

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About JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading financial services firm based in the United States of America (“U.S.”), with operations worldwide. JPMorgan Chase had $4.0 trillion in assets and $285.9 billion in stockholders’ equity as of March 31, 2022. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing and asset management. Under the J.P. Morgan and Chase brands, the Firm serves millions of customers in the U.S., and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients globally. Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at wt8n.byum.net.


Racial Equity