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澳博官方网站app Invests Over $2 Million to Strengthen 小型企业es and Bring Essential Services to Underserved Chicago Neighborhoods

新的投资建立在持续的专业知识之上, 数据和其他公司范围内的资源提供,以帮助开放, 扩大和加强全市少数族裔企业家和非营利组织

2017年11月2日(芝加哥) ——澳博官方网站app & Co. is investing over $2 million as part of its $40 million commitment to Chicago to strengthen minority entrepreneurialism in neighborhoods and boost economic growth across the city’s South and West Sides. The new investments will help six nonprofit organizations provide local entrepreneurs with access to capital to mentorship and networking. 除了, 该公司正在投资IFF,为芝加哥贫困社区提供基本服务.

“Small businesses and entrepreneurs are the main job creators in neighborhoods so helping them get a head start through these terrific programs is a smart way to build a financially healthier future for the whole community,” 惠特尼·史密斯,澳博官方网站app中西部慈善事业负责人. “We are proud to partner with local nonprofits in these neighborhoods to help entrepreneurs of color get the resources they need to grow and thrive.”

数据来自一个非营利性研究和咨询组织——城市竞争力倡议组织, which evaluates 澳博官方网站app’s work in other cities - revealed that small businesses have the potential to play a major role in lowering unemployment rates in distressed neighborhoods. 然而,许多低收入和中等收入的小企业无法获得发展和繁荣所需的重要资源.

An ICIC analysis of the firm’s first nine small business investments found that these programs (in cities other than Chicago) supported 990 businesses, 募集资金1.85亿美元, 2014年创造了1.39亿美元的收入,并获得了近80项新专利. 这些企业创造了近3亿美元,400个工作岗位, 其中20%是本地的, 2014年,她支付了近8000万美元的工资.

根据数据和专业知识, the firm continues to seek ways to address barriers to success and create more creative opportunities for underserved entrepreneurs to access capital. 澳博官方网站app2017年在芝加哥的小企业投资包括:

  • 1871(芝加哥创业中心)(15万美元): 努力推动包容性经济增长, 1871的WiSTEM项目帮助女性企业家发展自己的业务, 有了这笔资金,他们为期12周的孵化器项目的规模将扩大两倍. 自1871年成立以来,澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)一直是其最大的资助者之一. 2016年,该公司单独投资了15万美元来帮助他们开发WiSTEM. 1871 also partners with the Illinois Hispanic Chamber and Bunker Labs on targeted programming for under-served populations.

"We’re excited to expand our partnership with 澳博官方网站app to create pathways for women to start and grow their businesses,” 詹姆斯J. 奥康纳,董事会主席,1871年. “通过我们的WiSTEM项目, 女性商业领袖通过扩大自己的人际网络,发现了一种持久的影响, 改进他们的技术, 寻找更多的资金渠道来帮助他们成长."

  • 伊利诺伊州西班牙裔商会基金会(IHCCF)(20万美元): 通过西班牙科技孵化器, IHCCF is diversifying the small business community by targeting around 30 minority-owned firms that are strongly positioned to grow and providing them with tailored mentorship and coaching as well as access to capital.

“IHCC is excited to lead a first-of-its-kind initiative to help develop this next generation of Latinx tech founders” 奥马尔·杜克,伊利诺斯州西班牙裔商会主席兼首席执行官. "As we work to help these innovative entrepreneurs build successful businesses we’re proud to partner with 澳博官方网站app and we’re glad 澳博官方网站app has expanded its philanthropic commitment to Chicago.”

  • Blue1647(150000美元): Blue1647在服务欠缺的芝加哥社区工作,以改善获得资金的途径, 为社区小型企业提供资源, 以及教育项目,以促进小型企业科技行业的多样性. 澳博官方网站app’s investment will double the number of small businesses served through this program from three to six businesses per quarter.

“如果我们希望小企业在我们的社区发展壮大, 我们有责任帮助他们摆脱困境,” 埃米尔·坎布里,Blue1647创始人. "Blue1647 and 澳博官方网站app have the know-how and resources to help these entrepreneurs kick-start their businesses and establish themselves in the community."

  • 妇女商业发展中心(20万美元): This investment from 澳博官方网站app will allow the Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC) to expand into the Englewood neighborhood on Chicago’s South side, 交付业务服务, 持续的指导和技术援助, 获得增长资本或直接贷款, 并将网络扩展到以社区为基础的企业家. In 2015, WBDC被选为美国小企业管理局(SBA)首届全国八家获奖企业之一, to deliver a ScaleUp Program targeted at communities with small businesses experiencing slow/no growth due to a lack of a strong economic development infrastructure. WBDC利用小企业管理局的资金在奥罗拉启动了一个试点项目, 芝加哥西郊,伊利诺斯州第二大城市, 拥有丰富的多样性和创业精神,但服务水平非常低下. 基于那次试播的成功, 澳博官方网站app的支持将使WBDC能够将这一成功的项目扩展到其他服务不足的社区.

“创新是增长的关键,如果我们希望我们的社区蓬勃发展, 我们必须让女性更容易获得她们在科技领域脱颖而出所需的技能,” Emilia DiMenco,妇女商业发展中心首席执行官. "澳博官方网站app and WBDC are investing in the future of our workforce—women—and bringing our transformative ScaleUp program to the Englewood neighborhood.”

  • 芝加哥世界商业(40万美元,两个项目): 大通银行将提供300美元,000 to support Chicago Anchors for a Strong Economy (CASE) and its development of a proprietary and intuitive technology platform which will help Chicago’s small- and medium-sized businesses assess their readiness for growth. CASE是世界商业芝加哥的倡议之一,并帮助当地, 高素质的企业与芝加哥最著名的大学联系在一起, 卫生系统, 私人公司和公共机构, 支持社区活力,促进全市包容性经济增长.

    澳博官方网站app也将提供100美元,000 to World Business Chicago to form a “Quarterly Project Review Panel” for the recently launched Blackstone Inclusive Entrepreneurship Challenge, 其中包括八个非营利组织在芝加哥扩大和促进科技创业. 通过审查小组的工作, World Business Chicago will share its findings and best practices for creating successful programs that serve entrepreneurs from marginalized communities.
  • 阳光企业(20万美元): 专注于芝加哥最脆弱的社区, Sunshine provides technical assistance to approximately 200 entrepreneurs annually to help them prepare for owning and operating small businesses through a 12-week business development program. 超过95%的参与者是有色人种.

“芝加哥是一个令人惊叹的城市,为了保持这种状态,我们需要投资于给城市带来活力的人,” Joel Hamernick, Sunshine Enterprises执行董事. “在澳博官方网站app的帮助下,我们可以更好地为更多企业家的成功做好准备, 当他们这么做的时候, 更多的人将有工作,社区将繁荣发展."

  • 敌我识别(1100000美元): 澳博官方网站app is also building on its support for a strong nonprofit sector on the South and West Sides by investing in two new programs through IFF (formerly the Illinois Facilities Fund). The first investment establishes the Chicago Community Facilities Fund to provide financial resources for nonprofits in Chicago to improve access to healthy food, 照顾孩子, 通过新的社区设施提供医疗保健和就业服务. A second investment will help approximately 20 Chicago-based nonprofits improve their financials and grow their real estate and net assets. 致力于加强和扩大其组织的非营利组织的最初名单包括 奥尔巴尼公园社区中心,奥斯汀Coming 在一起, BUILD, Inc., 新视野中心, 中华互助会, 大查塔姆倡议, 北方之家, LUCHA, 国家拉丁裔教育研究所, 以及北朗代尔就业网络. 澳博官方网站app and IFF have a long and successful track record of working together in communities as a result of a $3 million investment the firm made in 2013 through the PRO Neighborhoods initiative to invest in nonprofit facilities and a $4 million investment it made in 2011 to support affordable and accessible housing.

“我们很自豪能与澳博官方网站app合作,投资并加强芝加哥的非营利组织网络. 在一起, 与我们合作的非营利组织正在改变整个芝加哥人的生活, 提供新鲜健康的食物, 医疗保健和更好的教育, 他们是我们社区社会结构的重要组成部分,” Joe Neri, IFF总裁兼首席执行官. “如果没有澳博官方网站app的帮助,我们无法完成这项工作."

澳博官方网站app & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.4万亿美元,业务遍及全球. 这家公司是投资银行业务的领导者, 为消费者和小企业提供金融服务, 商业银行, 金融交易处理, 资产管理. 道琼斯工业平均指数的一个组成部分,澳博官方网站app & Co. 为美国数以百万计的消费者和世界上许多最著名的公司提供服务, 其J.P. 摩根和大通品牌. 关于澳博官方网站app的信息 & Co. 可在 wt8n.byum.net.