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Nine JPMorgan Chase-financed Detroit housing, manufacturing, healthy food and retail projects open, break ground or expand in 2015

Detroit, September 17, 2015 – JPMorgan Chase & Co. today joined with partners from PK Housing, Midtown Detroit, Inc., Capital Impact Partners, 投资底特律和底特律经济增长公司宣布底特律最新的社区发展项目盛大开幕,该项目由该公司五年资助, $100 million commitment to the city’s economic recovery. Rainer Court, at 711 West Alexandrine Street, 增加了36个单位的工作专业和大学生住房以及1,800 square feet of retail space in Detroit’s growing Midtown District.

“Detroit is coming back, 我们的投资正在对整个城市的经济增长产生真正的影响,并为更多的人提供更多的机会,” said Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase. “Rainer Court is a great example of how the right kind of capital, 合作伙伴关系和深厚的社区专业知识可以为底特律辛勤工作的居民提供高质量的住房. From Midtown to the neighborhoods, we’re excited to see our investments continue to catalyze Detroit’s recovery.”

Detroit Investment Vehicles

Through its Chase Community Development Banking business, JPMorgan Chase has a long track record of lending and investing in Detroit. Alongside this work, JPMorgan Chase committed an additional $50 million, as part of its $100 million commitment to Detroit, 两家领先的社区发展金融机构(CDFIs)——底特律投资公司和资本影响合作伙伴. Taken together, the firm has provided over $80 million in financing since 2014, 加强城市的基础设施建设,为底特律的中低收入社区创造经济机会.

In 2015, nine Detroit projects are opening, 由于直接从大通社区发展银行和由该公司1亿美元承诺支持的cdfi提供融资,该项目开始动工或扩大规模.

投资底特律和资本影响合作伙伴是专门的金融机构,为社区项目提供融资,否则这些项目将无法获得传统贷款. Both institutions are receiving long-term, flexible debt capital from JPMorgan Chase to invest in mixed-use, mixed-income real estate and small business projects across Detroit. 在过去的16个月里,投资底特律和资本影响合作伙伴已经部署了12美元.5 million to seven projects that will help strengthen Detroit’s economy. 迄今为止,这两家基金已利用澳博官方网站app的资源再融资18美元.5 million.

Separately, 自2014年初以来,大通社区发展银行为包括市场价格住房和通过扩大当地杂货店提供健康食品选择在内的项目提供了近6800万美元的融资.

Northwest Detroit Neighborhoods


今年9月,位于谢弗高速公路14424号的班纳杂货店(Banner Grocery)将扩建1.5万平方英尺. Chase Community Development Banking provided a $1.8 million equity investment in order to provide more accessible, affordable and healthy food to the community. The project will also provide 35 new full-time employment opportunities.

The Granada Apartments, located in Greenfield and Belmont, are also in the process of an 80-unit rehabilitation. Financed through JPMorgan Chase’s $100 million commitment, the 54,000-square-foot update, a joint project between the firm and Capital Impact Partners, will add 200 units of housing, 创造至少400个建筑岗位和150个新建零售岗位.

“Our Detroit Neighborhoods Fund, set up through JPMorgan Chase's investment, 是我们支持底特律振兴的真正催化剂,” said Terry Simonette, President and CEO of Capital Impact Partners. “In just the past year, 一些重要的混合用途住房项目已被批准用于修复和建设,并将在未来几年内上线, 增加了我们与底特律合作伙伴共同的密度和包容性增长目标. 澳博官方网站app的合作伙伴关系对于Capital Impact支持伍德沃德走廊以外的投资到城市其他混合用途走廊的能力至关重要.”

Midtown Detroit

In addition to financing the redevelopment of Rainer Court, 澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)正在支持中城的其他项目,以促进经济增长.

澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan chase)支持的两个项目已经在建设中,旨在为底特律居民提供优质住房和更好的交通. In 2014, the firm provided $15 million and facilitated $42.400万美元的新市场税收抵免,以完成M-1铁路的融资.3英里长的轻轨项目,将连接市中心和文化区. Over and above the $100 million commitment, 该公司还为格里斯沃尔德街1145号的Capitol Park loft和格里斯沃尔德街1212号的底特律储蓄银行(Detroit Savings Bank)提供了3200万美元的债务和股权融资. The two buildings will create 119 units of housing and over 62,300 square feet of retail and office space.

Construction will soon begin on The Plaza, the newest commercial project from JPMorgan Chase’s $100 million commitment. Currently vacant, 伍德沃德大道3800号是一座独特的历史建筑,是M-1铁路附近为数不多的高层建筑之一. Financed by Invest Detroit and Capital Impact Partners, using loan proceeds from JPMorgan Chase, the nearly 73,000 square foot, 这座12层的中城大厦将进行翻新,将拥有72个市场价格的住宅单元和两个商业单元.

Willys Overland Commercial和The Shoppes at Woodward也在帮助Woodward走廊的发展. Earlier this year, Invest Detroit used $2.从澳博官方网站app的投资中拿出200万美元,为Willys Overland Commercial的改善和重建提供资金, a project that created 70 jobs. Willys now provides over 30,000 square feet of retail space for Shinola, Willys Clothing, RUNdetroit and Jolly Pumpkin, which are serving the needs of residents and tourists.

Invest Detroit, using capital from JPMorgan Chase’s $100 million commitment, financed land acquisition and capital improvements to the Shoppes at Woodward, a multi-phase renovation of 62,000 square feet across five buildings. A cornerstone of the Midtown Detroit, Inc.’s master development plan for Midtown, the Shoppes at Woodward will reactivate over 35,000 square feet of unoccupied space, remove blight, 创造45个新的就业机会,并在新中心地区提供高需求的零售和住宅空间.

澳博官方网站app在底特律的资本投资极大地增加了中城和几十年来遭受投资减少的社区的重建机会,” said Dave Blaszkiewicz, President and CEO, Invest Detroit. “With their support, we’re accelerating change throughout the city while creating jobs, increasing density, 提高可持续性,调整措施,扩大对底特律社区的援助.”

Northeast Detroit Neighborhoods

Invest Detroit, using support from JPMorgan Chase’s $100 million commitment, is also funding a 50,Global Titanium位于Filer Avenue 19300号的底特律校区扩建项目占地面积达1,000平方英尺. Global Titanium, which has operated in Detroit for over 75 years, 回收废钛并利用回收材料生产冶金产品. Global Titanium is currently employing 150 people. 此次扩建有可能增加15名全职员工.

For more information visit: wt8n.byum.net/detroit.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2.4 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase & Co. 为美国数以百万计的消费者和世界上许多最著名的公司提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. Morgan and Chase brands. Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at wt8n.byum.net.