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JP摩根 追逐, Detroit Development Fund 和W.K. Kellogg Foundation Announce $6.5 Million Loan Fund for Detroit’s Minority-Owned Small Businesses


Detroit, September 15, 2015 – The Detroit Development Fund (地区指定基金), JP摩根 追逐 & Co. 和W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) today announced a new $6.为有色人种企业家拥有的底特律企业和主要雇用有色人种的企业提供500万美元的贷款计划. 有色人种企业家基金将为底特律少数族裔拥有的企业提供更多的资金和商业援助,从而增加他们的经济机会, allowing them to grow, hire local and further contribute to the city’s recovery.

Facilitated by 地区指定基金, a Michigan 501(c)3 Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), the Fund will seek to provide financing for general contractors, 小型零售商和其他社区服务企业以及许多其他类型的企业. 该基金将帮助传统上信贷质量较低的企业, 缺乏资金和人手,主要服务于底特律的社区.

小型企业历来是底特律经济增长的核心, 它们有可能降低失业率,为底特律人创造更多机会. 根据美国劳工部的数据,底特律大约有32,000家少数族裔拥有的小企业.S. 人口普查. This ranks Detroit as the fourth largest U.S. city for the number of minority-owned businesses. 然而,尽管它们对经济很重要,但迈克尔. 巴尔, Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, 他说,少数族裔拥有的企业对个人或家族财富投资的依赖程度明显高于外部债务或股权.

"For Detroit's comeback to be a true success, there must be opportunity for the Detroiters who have stayed,” Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan. “This new program fits perfectly with what our administration is doing, through Motor City Match and other efforts, 确保想要在底特律创业的居民能够获得成功所需的资金和支持."

“有色人种企业家基金对我们和它将支持的底特律小企业来说非常令人兴奋,” Ray Waters, 总统, 地区指定基金. “该基金的独特结构使地区指定基金能够提供各种信贷和贷款额度,以满足有色人种企业家的需求. “我们很高兴为试点项目提供便利,并感谢澳博官方网站app和世贸组织的支持.K. Kellogg Foundation. We look forward to growing our lending in minority communities.”

Through a $3.5 million grant provided by the JP摩根 追逐 Foundation, 作为其承诺的1亿美元底特律经济复苏的一部分, 以及来自凯洛格基金会的300万美元项目相关投资, 有色人种企业家基金将提供短期和长期贷款. 贷款规模各不相同,但平均贷款在5万美元到15万美元之间. 凯洛格基金会开发并发起了该基金,因为它长期致力于公平和底特律.

获得融资的企业将能够利用这笔资金进行扩张, finance equipment, 解决短期现金流需求并提供承包商信贷额度. 该基金还将向小企业贷款接受者提供技术援助,例如建立网络, 市场营销, business plan development and cash flow management. 符合条件的小企业必须由有色人种持有多数股权,或者有一半以上的员工是有色人种. 在实施这一倡议期间,地区指定基金还将与Max M. & 马约莉年代. Fisher Foundation’s Detroit entrepreneurship programming efforts.

“Neighborhood businesses are critical to Detroit's comeback, but many need access to the right capital to grow and thrive," Janis Bowdler, Head of Global Philanthropy, JP摩根 追逐. “有色人种企业家基金是一种独特的方式,它结合了灵活的融资和服务,以加强底特律社区的持续业务增长.”

凯洛格基金会对于为有色人种创造获得资本的渠道这一想法并不陌生,” La June Montgomery Tabron, WKKF’s 总统 and CEO. “我们知道,对有色人种的投资对于公平有效的城市发展和这个国家持续的经济主导地位至关重要. We are proud partners with Detroit Development Fund, 澳博官方网站app和其他将与我们一起为企业家改善经济机会的人, who are also parents, 更好地支持他们的家庭,确保底特律的孩子们取得成功.”

资金将允许有色人种企业家基金提供贷款和技术援助,并建立贷款损失准备金. 这笔储备金将允许地区指定基金扩大其贷款标准,并帮助传统上没有资格获得贷款的底特律小企业.

“底特律的力量一直来自于那些有伟大想法的企业家,他们可以把这个想法变成一个蓬勃发展并创造就业机会的企业,” U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow. “这种新的公私伙伴关系将帮助企业主取得成功和发展, creating jobs and opportunity across the region.”

Michael 巴尔’s recent research, Minority and Women Entrepreneurs: Building Capital, 网络, and Skills, published by the Hamilton Project of the Brookings Institution, 呼吁加大对少数族裔和女性拥有的小企业的支持.

“Minority-owned businesses, including those in Detroit, often lack access to credit, to essential skills needed to survive and grow, and to business networks for mentoring and new business opportunities,” 迈克尔年代. 巴尔, Professor of Law at the University of Michigan. “增加少数民族和女性企业家的创业对提高整个国家的创业率至关重要, and generating new growth and jobs.”

有兴趣的底特律小企业可以联系底特律发展基金,电话:1-313-784-9547或 vholsey@detroitdevelopmentfund.com.

JP摩根 追逐 & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.4 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JP摩根 追逐 & Co. 为美国数以百万计的消费者和世界上许多最著名的公司提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. 摩根 and 追逐 brands. Information about JP摩根 追逐 & Co. is available at wt8n.byum.net.