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新现场, near-site care centers offer comprehensive primary care services as part of JPMC’s long-standing commitment to 员工’ health, 健康
与维拉合作, 俄亥俄州中部初级保健是JPMC提高质量战略的一部分, 可购性, 雇主赞助的医疗保健的公平性

俄亥俄州哥伦布市,2022年10月24日 – As part of an innovative new collaboration with 维拉 Whole Health (维拉) and Central Ohio Primary Care (COPC), 澳博官方网站app & Co. (NYSE: JPM) launched three new on-site advanced primary care centers across the company’s Columbus offices (Polaris, 伊斯顿和布鲁克塞奇), providing a full suite of comprehensive in-person and virtual health and 健康 services for more than 20,000名澳博官方网站app员工. 除了, 维拉和COPC will provide the same advanced primary care services at two near-site care centers (Dublin and Westerville) to serve 员工 and the more than 15,000 spouses/domestic partners and children (aged 3+) enrolled in 澳博官方网站app’s benefit plan.

The launch of the new on-site and near-site care centers builds on 澳博官方网站app’s long-standing commitment to the health and well-being of its 员工 and is part of the collaboration between the company’s benefits team and 摩根的健康, 公司内部一个新的业务部门专注于提高质量, 雇主赞助的医疗保健的可负担性和公平性. Both 澳博官方网站app’s Benefits team and 摩根的健康 identify and develop innovative new approaches to enhancing 员工’ health benefits, 包括与供应商建立新的合作关系, 卫生系统和其他卫生公司为员工提供更高标准的医疗服务.

维拉和COPC, 两位为雇主和雇员提供先进初级保健服务的领导者, 将管理和配备现场和附近的护理中心. 维拉 is one of four companies that has received financial and strategic support from 摩根的健康 and 澳博官方网站app as part of a broader effort to rapidly scale and expand innovative accountable care programs across the employer-sponsored market. 维拉, 部分大悦健康品牌, 是否有先进的初级保健模式,采用全人保健方法, 将指导, 行为健康专家, 和初级保健医生一起组成一个综合护理团队. COPC是俄亥俄州和美国最大的独立医生拥有的主要团体之一.S. 目前为许多总部位于哥伦比亚的澳博官方网站app员工及其家人提供服务. Employees already receiving care through an established relationship with a COPC provider will continue to have access to the full suite of COPC services and support.

在三个现场护理中心的每一个, 澳博官方网站app的所有员工都将享有一系列负担得起的医疗保健服务, 包括治疗:

  • 耳朵、鼻子和喉咙的问题.g. 喉咙痛、耳朵痛、咳嗽/感冒)
  • 头痛、头晕和其他神经系统问题
  • 胸痛、心悸和其他心血管疾病
  • 胃痛,胃痛和胃部不适
  • 尿路感染
  • 肌肉疼痛
  • 皮疹和其他急性皮肤病问题
  • 血液或其他化验结果
  • 过敏疫苗、旅行免疫和其他疫苗

除了, 员工, spouses and children enrolled in 澳博官方网站app’s health plan will have convenient and affordable access to advanced primary care services at on-site and near-site care centers, 包括:

  • 综合健康检查
  • 行为健康筛查
  • 健康辅导课程
  • 计划生育和避孕咨询
  • 虚拟初级保健咨询和支持服务
  • 慢性疾病的管理和治疗,特别是耳鼻喉疾病(e).g. asthma); chronic neurologic conditions (e.g. 偏头痛, fainting); high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other cardiovascular concerns; mental and behavioral health support; musculoskeletal conditions (e.g. osteoarthritis); and dermatology concerns (e.g. 痤疮、湿疹).

在接下来的几个月中, additional digital tools and health services will be available to 员工 as part of 维拉和COPC’s advanced primary care approach.

“Our Columbus-based 员工 are essential to the success and resiliency of every line of business at 澳博官方网站app, 反过来, 更广泛的社区,“科琳·伯格, 澳博官方网站app的消费者和社区首席控制官和哥伦布地区负责人, 说. “Providing them and 他们的家庭 with the highest quality health care services – within the convenience and ease of the workplace and their home – is part of our commitment to them.”

“我们知道我们的员工和他们的家人正在寻求缓解焦虑, 管理健康的压力和不便. 当我们看到如何支持和授权员工的健康选择, our goal is to make it as easy and straightforward as possible to receive the highest quality and most comprehensive care services available at any point,Daniela Nese说, U负责人.S. 对澳博官方网站app有利.

“The partnership with 维拉和COPC is deeply rooted in our vision and mission to provide a better health care experience for our 员工, 反过来, to provide a realistic path forward for other employers to implement these same value-based programs,丹·门德尔松说, 摩根健康公司首席执行官, 说. “通过在改善员工健康结果的基础上建立供应商伙伴关系, 我们可以跨越社区和市场,提供更高的质量, more affordable and equitable care to 澳博官方网站app 员工 and more than 150 million Americans who depend on employer-sponsored coverage.”

“我们很荣幸能与JPMC和COPC合作, two of the most innovative partners in the country who are driving improved health care access and equity in the Columbus market,瑞恩·施密德说, 维拉 Whole Health的创始人兼总裁, apree健康. “Integrating offerings from COPC and 维拉 creates increased access to world class primary care services for JPMC 员工, 他们的家庭, 以及社区里的其他雇主.”

“COPC很高兴与维拉合作,为JPMC提供服务, an employer with a history of innovating in the delivery of care for its 员工 and 他们的家庭,” J. 威廉·伍尔夫,m.w.D.COPC首席执行官说. “This partnership reflects the importance of prioritizing access to high-quality primary care services to improve health outcomes and the 可购性 of care for 员工 and the broader Columbus community.”


J.P. 摩根是金融服务领域的全球领导者, 为世界上最重要的公司提供解决方案, 100多个国家的政府和机构. We also lead volunteer service activities for 员工 in local communities by utilizing our many resources, 包括那些源于资本获取的问题, 规模经济, 全球影响力和专业知识.


摩根的健康 is a 澳博官方网站app business unit focused on improving employer-sponsored health care. 通过投资和促进问责制护理, 摩根健康公司正在努力提高质量, 为澳博官方网站app员工提供公平和负担得起的雇主资助的医疗保健, 他们的家人和美国.S. 卫生系统. 该公司由丹·门德尔松(Dan Mendelson)领导, 摩根健康公司首席执行官, Peter Scher报道, 澳博官方网站app副董事长 & Co. 也是公司运营委员会的成员. 摩根健康总部设在华盛顿特区.C. 访问 www.morganhealth.com.


apree健康 is on a mission to build the first end-to-end healthcare solution that redefines the care experience and transforms the way patients access and engage with care, 提供者提供护理的方式, 以及雇主和其他购买者支付医疗费用的方式. Apree health通过将一流的导航与数据驱动的洞察力相结合来实现这一点, 最先进的初级保健模式, 以及基于价值的风险模型,以解锁健康结果,让服务对象的生活更美好. 维拉 Whole Health is the advanced primary care delivery arm for apree健康 and is uniquely designed to help people achieve optimum social, 心理, 身体健康.


Central Ohio Primary Care was founded in 1996 when a group of 33 physicians joined together to give greater focus to patient care than the administrative duties that were weighing them down. 从一开始, COPC的医生一直致力于寻找新的方法来提供最好的病人护理. Rooted in a long history of clinical excellence and a commitment to the highest ethical standards, we are building a model for primary care that creates a more holistic view of patient care and gives physicians more time to focus on building relationships with patients and each other. 今天,我们有80多个诊所,服务超过45万名患者. 我们有一个由该地区各医院的医生组成的医院专家团队, 我们正在开设更多的当日中心, 并且正在扩大我们的辅助服务.