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2020年J公告.P. 摩根企业挑战系列时间表

最大的, most successful corporate team sporting event now truly covers every corner of the globe.

2020年2月20日(纽约) ——2020版J.P. 摩根企业挑战,3个系列.5-mile team running/walking/post-event partying events with roots going back 43 years, 将扩展到三个城市——布宜诺斯艾利斯, 达拉斯-沃斯堡和费城.

布宜诺斯艾利斯的加入, 阿根廷首都, marks the Corporate Challenge debut in South America. 该系列, which debuted with one race in Central Park in 1977, will for the first time be in all six inhabited continents this year.

总的来说,2020年的J.P. 摩根企业挑战系列 will be in eight different countries – Argentina, 澳大利亚, 中国, 英格兰, 德国, 新加坡, 南非, 和美国. 它将以251为基础,总共299名跑步者和步行者从7人开始,581家公司在2019年进入.

This is the first time the Corporate Challenge Series has expanded since 2011, when Shanghai joined. Johannesburg and 新加坡 came aboard in 2004, and before that you must go back to 1984 to find a Series expansion with three or more new cities in a single year.

“这种积极的扩张有两个目的,Ariel Johnson Lin说, 体育行政总监 & 澳博官方网站app娱乐营销. “It places us in markets most strategically important to 澳博官方网站app as a firm and is also an unmistakable signal to our participants around the world that the Corporate Challenge is strong, 相关并将继续存在.”

Buenos Aires will become the first South American city to host a Corporate Challenge event when its 3.5英里(5.6公里的比赛将于今年11月开始. More details on the race course location and registration will be forthcoming.

“我非常自豪能主持J.P. 摩根企业挑战’s first event in South America,法昆多·戈麦斯·米努金说, 阿根廷高级国家官员, 乌拉圭, 巴拉圭和玻利维亚在J.P. 摩根. “的 Buenos Aires race offers an ideal opportunity for companies to promote team building, wellness and collaboration while supporting a good cause. We hope that this becomes a major event on the corporate calendar in the coming years and a place where Argentinian businesses meet to compete in a healthy environment and help build a sense of community.”

Dallas-Fort Worth returns to the Corporate Challenge after a 16-year hiatus. 上一次举办是在2004年,当时吸引了5人,057 entrants from 183 companies in the final year of a four-year run in downtown Dallas. 2020年的竞选将在秋季举行, with information on race location and registration available in due course.

“We’re experiencing an era of exponential growth for our bank in DFW. 澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)从第3位跃升至第5位,雇员从2003年的000人增加到12人,今天有400名工人, with more on the way once we’ve completed the new 12-story tower in Plano,澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)的迈克•李斯特(Mike Lister)表示, who headed the local campaign to bring the Corporate Challenge back to North Texas. “This internationally-renowned event is a wonderful opportunity to expand the 澳博官方网站app brand in our community, interact with our clients and engage our dedicated employees in a new and powerful way.”

Philadelphia was last a member of the Corporate Challenge Series in 1997, 吸引了一群人,204 runners and walkers from 102 businesses to a Center City race course. 的 Corporate Challenge had also been in the Delaware Valley between 1987-1994. 2020年的竞选日期是周四, 10月1日, with race location and registration details to be announced.

“We’re tremendously excited to have been chosen as a host market for the J.P. 摩根企业挑战,” said Tom Horne, Delaware Market Leader, 澳博官方网站app. “We have a strong base in the Delaware Valley and our workforce in Delaware is 11,000-strong. We’re sure to have high participation from our employees who are incredibly engaged on efforts related to a healthy lifestyle and those that benefit the community.”

“We’re so proud that Philadelphia has been chosen as a host city for the J.P. 摩根企业挑战,史蒂夫·赖特说, head of the Philadelphia Market Leadership Team, 澳博官方网站app. “We know it’s a competitive process and we can’t wait to show our Philly pride with this longstanding J.P. 摩根的传统. It’s a great time to bring this event to our area – we’re expanding our presence in this market and are eager to build on the momentum to further engage with our clients and deepen our relationships in the community.”

2020 J.P. 摩根企业挑战系列 is scheduled to begin on Thursday, March 26 in Johannesburg. Other confirmed dates include 新加坡 (April 8), 芝加哥(5月21日), 纽约(5月27-28日), 罗切斯特(6月2日), 法兰克福, 德国(六月十七日), 布法罗(6月18日), 伦敦, 英国(7月1-2日), 旧金山(9月15日), 悉尼(10月28日).

More information will be forthcoming on the Boston, Shanghai and Syracuse events.

37th J的运行.P. 摩根企业挑战 Championship – featuring the first-place men’s, women’s and mixed teams from all cities in the 2019 Series – will be held on July 1 in 伦敦. It will be the second time the capital of 英格兰 has hosted the Championship.

关于J.P. 摩根企业挑战系列
J.P. 摩根企业挑战系列 is the longest-running and most successful corporate team event in the world. 3.5英里的公路赛都包括在内, 对赛车手开放, 慢跑者和步行者, 年龄在18 - 65 +, from multinational companies to local manufacturing and entrepreneurial businesses. Each Corporate Challenge also provides a marketing platform for a local not-for-profit organization, 与J.P. 摩根捐款庆祝所有参赛者.