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JPMorgan Chase Announces $15 million for AdvancingCities Challenge Winners

Chicago, Louisville, Miami, 圣地亚哥和锡拉丘兹各奖励300万美元,用于通过公民之间的合作推动包容性增长的创造性解决方案, business and community leaders

April 18, 2019 (New York, NY) – JPMorgan Chase today announced the first winning cities in the AdvancingCities Challenge, 这是一项年度竞赛,旨在寻找创新和可持续的解决方案,以解决社区面临的最持久的问题. The Challenge is part of AdvancingCities, the firm’s $500 million, five-year initiative to drive inclusive growth and create greater economic opportunity in cities. JPMorgan Chase will award five winning cities—Chicago, Ill., Louisville, Ky., Miami, Fla., San Diego, Calif., and Syracuse, N.Y.— $3 million each over a period of three years, for a total of $15 million.

The AdvancingCities Challenge launched in September 2018, attracting more than 250 proposals from 143 communities across 45 states and territories. 要求提案将包容性增长的四个战略驱动因素中的至少两个纳入澳博官方网站app的影响模型:就业和技能, small business, neighborhood revitalization and financial health.

Winners were announced in conjunction with JPMorgan Chase’s 2018 Corporate Responsibility Report, which showcases the firm’s impact in communities around the world and highlights the Seven Traits of Advancing Cities. 获胜的城市和项目都展示了这些成功的关键条件,这些条件使一个城市能够有意义地扩大机会.

“Businesses have a role to play in bringing communities together to create greater opportunity,” said Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase, who made the announcement today in Louisville. “这五个城市都表明,他们理解这种类型的投资,以及共同努力解决问题的能力不仅仅是正确的事情, it is also in our shared interests.”

Led by local nonprofits, the selected cities successfully built local coalitions of public, 私营企业和非营利组织的领导人共同努力,解决就业障碍等重大社会和经济挑战, financial insecurity, and neighborhood disinvestment.

The successful proposals from each city include:

  • West Side United (Chicago): Chicago’s West Side residents have life expectancies that are 16 years shorter than their neighbors in The Loop, an affluent neighborhood just seven train stops away. West Side United will leverage the hiring, 西城主要卫生系统的采购和投资权力,以改善周边社区的健康和经济活力. Specifically, 该合作将通过将低工资的卫生保健工作者与提供财务保障的医院的职业道路联系起来,解决健康的社会决定因素. At the same time, West Side United将为当地企业家提供支持,帮助他们利用在锚定机构的采购机会,从而实现增长并创造当地就业机会. West Side United brings together the Amita Health, Cook County Health, Lurie Children’s Hospital, Rush University Medical Center, Sinai Health Systems, UI Health, the Chicagoland Workforce Funders Alliance, Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership, Skills for Chicagoland’s Future, City Colleges of Chicago, 公民咨询联盟和Accion芝加哥将最大限度地提高这项投资对芝加哥西区居民的影响.
  • Digital Inclusion and Economic Resilience (Louisville): Louisville’s low-income residents face significant barriers to employment, leaving them increasingly disconnected from well-paying jobs in high-growth sectors. This is exacerbated by the lack of a coordinated referral network of resources across sectors—financial, health, education and human services—that are available to help low income residents build financial security. 路易斯维尔的数字包容和经济韧性项目将在该市六个收入最低的社区使用高接触社区外展策略, 努力使居民具备竞争工作所需的技能,同时通过正式的推荐网络和新的共享数据平台将他们与服务联系起来. Metro United Way of Louisville will work with Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, The Greater Louisville Workforce Development Board (KentuckianaWorks), Russell: A Place of Promise, Catholic Charities, AMPED, One West, Evolve502, and the Commonwealth Institute of Kentucky to execute this effort.
  • Resilient305 (Miami): Resilient305 is a soon-to-be-released comprehensive strategy co-led by Miami-Dade County, 在迈阿密基金会的支持下,迈阿密市和迈阿密海滩市将实现大迈阿密和海滩(GM&B) to more effectively tackle emerging global challenges and trends such as urbanization, globalization and climate change. Recognizing that income inequity is a resilience issue, this Building Prosperity initiative was collaboratively born out of a work group of government, university, nonprofit and corporate partners charged with developing collective actions that build prosperity for all. AdvancingCities will fund work focused specifically on training local GM&B residents and businesses to be more resilient to chronic financial stresses, such as lack of access to well-paying jobs and insufficient business opportunities. “弹性305”将整合服务提供商的努力,以增加获得高质量工作的机会,并与锚定机构合作,将小企业与采购机会联系起来. The Miami Foundation partnered with the city of Miami, Health Foundation of South Florida, Florida International University and other government, university, and nonprofit partners to develop this Resilient305 -- Building Prosperity initiative.
  • Advancing San Diego (San Diego): Small businesses represent 98 percent of firms in San Diego, but they struggle to compete for qualified talent, especially talent reflective of San Diego’s growing Hispanic population. To remain competitive as a region, San Diego must double its production of skilled workers and create 50,000 new quality jobs in small businesses by 2030. San Diego will leverage a collaborative, 以雇主为主导的战略,围绕一个共同目标,将多个系统结合起来,将代表性不足的居民与高需求的工作联系起来,并为小企业提供多样化的人才渠道. 该项目将简化来自雇主的信息,帮助教育工作者设计培训课程,为居民提供适合圣地亚哥高增长行业现有和未来工作的技能, while also providing pathways to those jobs. San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation, San Diego Workforce Partnership , San Diego and Imperial Counties Community College Association, 圣地亚哥县联合之路和圣地亚哥市制定了一项区域性提案,重点关注圣地亚哥县内的所有城市.
  • Syracuse Surge: Blueprint for Inclusive Growth (Syracuse): 锡拉丘兹的南部市中心区和南部社区准备接受重大的公共和私人技术投资, but without specific interventions, long-time residents and businesses may not benefit from this prosperity. Through Syracuse Surge, the city demonstrated a clear commitment to equitable growth, shared among the business community, local nonprofits, anchor and educational institutions. Syracuse Surge将制定长期战略,从弱势群体中吸引人才,并将他们与高科技行业的工作联系起来, while also attracting, expanding, and incubating tech businesses led by diverse founders. CenterState CEO led a successful coalition including Allyn Family Foundation, City of Syracuse, Le Moyne College and Onondaga County.


About AdvancingCities

AdvancingCities is a $500 million initiative that combines the firm’s lending capital, philanthropic capital and expertise to make investments in cities. The program consists of two key features, the AdvancingCities Challenge and large-scale investments in cities where the conditions exist for success such as Detroit, Chicago, Washington, D.C. and Paris.

AdvancingCities is also collecting insights, developing research and best practices, and driving peer-learning to ensure the benefits of these investments are shared with other cities.

Based on the firm’s previous experience, JPMorgan Chase expects its $500 million AdvancingCities commitment to attract an additional $1 billion in outside capital at a ratio of 4:1, resulting in a total of $1.5 billion directed to efforts that will increase inclusive growth in cities.

“我们从经验中知道,协作是成功推动包容性增长和城市的关键,我们对这些应用程序中显示的协作印象深刻,” said Irene Baker, Head of AdvancingCities, JPMorgan Chase. “The five winning cities presented creative, thoughtful and forward-looking strategies that will enable more Americans to participate in a growing economy, and we are excited to help scale these efforts.”

The winning initiatives through the AdvancingCities Challenge will drive solutions and help break down silos between local programs, strengthen underlying systems and advance holistic solutions to create more widely-shared prosperity. The cities will also have access to a wide array of JPMorgan Chase resources, including data and research, employee expertise, and global network. Based on learnings from past investments, AdvancingCities is making investments in cities that demonstrate a collaborative approach to the following:

  • Commitment to tackling barriers to economic opportunity and upward mobility;
  • Innovative strategies that make measurable progress to solve challenges related to inclusive growth;
  • 高能力的非营利组织和政府机构的存在,以及来自商界的积极参与,共同努力实施解决方案;
  • Alignment between the future challenges and opportunities in the city and JPMorgan Chase’s four philanthropic areas of focus; and
  • Opportunities to use the firm’s data, employee expertise and business lending capital to create sustainable solutions.

For more information, visit wt8n.byum.net/advancingcities.

About JPMorgan Chase & Co.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2.7 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase & Co. serves millions of consumers in the United States and many of the world's most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients under its J.P. Morgan and Chase brands. Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at wt8n.byum.net.

Statements of Support

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL): “今天宣布的对西区联队的资助证明,当社区机构为共同目标而努力时,会发生什么. 我赞赏西址联合公司建立伙伴关系,解决当地居民面临的重大挑战. As with efforts under the Chicago HEAL Initiative and West Side United, we must continue to invest in making our communities healthier and safer while also promoting economic growth.”

Congressman Danny Davis (IL-07): “芝加哥西区多年来一直遭受投资减少和投资不足的困扰,医疗保健结果和医疗保健资源也存在严重差距. I applaud JPMorgan’s initiative to partner with West Side small businesses, 在社区中有着深厚根基的非营利组织和拉什医疗中心,这是一条通往更健康的经济和更健康的人口的创新可持续途径.”

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer: “We are thrilled that JPMorgan Chase has chosen Louisville from more than 250 proposals to win this grant. Through integrated social services, financial coaching, career coaching, and high-tech job training, Metro United Way and its coalition partners have developed a high-tech, 高水平的建议将有助于建立经济弹性,并为面临一些最大成功障碍的居民建立通往金融稳定的公平途径. This will help us achieve our goal of helping everyone in Louisville realize their full human potential.”

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez: “Beating out 250 cities for the JPMorgan Chase AdvancingCities Challenge is a testament to how we are positioning Miami to create a true pathway to prosperity for all. With this commitment, we can unlock crucial resources for small businesses, the backbone of our economy, 推动经济增长,培育更具包容性的商业环境,以反映迈阿密作为一个多元化和机遇之城的价值观.”

Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez: “Miami-Dade County is proud to be one of the first communities awarded funding through JPMorgan Chase’s AdvancingCities grant. 这种创新的融资模式利用慈善资本和专业知识,投资于像我们这样的城市,这些城市正在开发确保社会公正的前沿方法,使每个人都有经济机会,拥有一个有弹性的未来.”