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CHICAGO, February 24, 2015 -金融服务创新中心(CFSI)金融解决方案实验室与创始合作伙伴澳博官方网站app & Co. 今天宣布了一项300万美元的竞赛,奖励致力于解决消费者金融挑战的技术创新者. 这一跨部门倡议将确定技术支持的金融解决方案,并为获胜者提供直接和间接支持,以测试和扩大其产品和服务的可用性.

所面临的挑战, 今天开, 将是这个系列的第一篇,邀请创新者提交金融产品和服务解决方案,帮助家庭在预算紧张的情况下更好地管理他们的财务. 脆弱的消费者在依赖替代服务时可能陷入债务循环, like payday lenders or check cashing institutions, while trying to make ends meet in the days between when income comes in and bills are due. CFSI已经确定,家庭收入和支出之间的时间不匹配是中低收入家庭面临的最大财务挑战之一.

事实上,CFSI 2013 Financially Underserved Market Size Report found that Americans spent $36.5 billion in one year on credit and transaction products to address this challenge. 此外,超过1亿的美国人在努力平衡他们的家庭财务 脚注 1 and forty-three percent of Americans struggle to pay their bills. 脚注 2

“数以百万计的美国人正在努力维持收支平衡,经常在不平衡的收入和不可预测的支出之间挣扎,” said Jennifer Tescher, CFSI首席执行官. “通过金融解决方案实验室,我们希望找到并支持那些致力于以有意义的方式满足消费者需求的创新者, 可伸缩解决方案. 该实验室将帮助建立下一代金融产品和服务,以改善消费者的金融健康状况.”

From February 24 until April 7, 2015, 金融解决方案实验室将接受创新企业家和非营利组织的申请,竞争获得最高250美元的奖金,资本金为1000万, along with national partnership opportunities, 行业专业知识, 指导, 以及推动下一代领先金融服务创新所必需的尖端消费者和设计见解. 来自大约8个获奖组织的解决方案将采用对消费者友好的设计, promote consumer success, 建立信任, and create opportunity in order to generate mutual benefit for providers and consumers.

Winners will be selected by an expert, cross-sector group including leaders from 澳博官方网站app, CFSI, and strategic partners in human-centered design, behavioral economics, community outreach and for-profit entrepreneurship. Winners will be announced at CFSI’s Emerge Conference on June 11th.

“个人的财务安全影响着家庭的财务健康, their community and the overall economy,” said Janis Bowdler, Head of Global Philanthropy at 澳博官方网站app & Co. “这就是为什么澳博官方网站app致力于支持那些与我们有共同目标的创新者,帮助中低收入消费者更好地管理他们的日常财务生活, improve resiliency and promote economic security.” 澳博官方网站app’s support of the Financial Solutions Lab is a part of its 更广泛的承诺 to helping people better understand and manage their finances to secure their futures.

Financial Solutions Lab Led by Experts in Finance, Technology, and Human-Centered Design
CFSI and 澳博官方网站app also today announced the Lab’s Advisory Council, a group of industry leaders from the financial services, 技术, 学术界, 和投资团体,他们将为实验室竞赛获胜者提供全面的战略指导和资源. In addition to the strategic direction they provide on the Lab, 咨询委员会将在指导获奖创新的成功方面发挥不可或缺的作用,以确保这些创新能够满足消费者的需求,并能够广泛使用. 它们包括:

  • Paul Breloff, Managing Director, Accion Venture Lab
  • 科斯塔·佩里克,比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会穷人金融服务副主任
  • Jennifer Tescher, President and 首席执行官, CFSI
  • Susan Ehrlich, Board of Directors, CFSI
  • Arjan Schütte, Founder and Managing Partner, Core Innovation Capital
  • Jonathan Mintz, Founding President and 首席执行官, 城市 for Financial Empowerment Fund
  • Andrea Levere, President, Corporation for Enterprise Development
  • Darren Walker, President, Ford Foundation
  • Eldar Shafir, Scientific Director and Co-Founder, Ideas42
  • Tim Brown, 首席执行官, 视频
  • Barry Saik, SVP and GM, Consumer Ecosystem Group, Intuit
  • Dalila Wilson-Scott, President, 澳博官方网站app Foundation
  • Ben Knelman, 首席执行官 and Co-Founder, Juntos Finanzas
  • Ben Jealous, Partner, Kapor Capital
  • Ann Lamont, Managing Partner, Oak Investment Partners
  • Chris Bishko, Partner, Omidyar Network
  • Caribou Honig, Partner, QED 投资者
  • Cheryl Porro, SVP of Tech and Product, Salesforce Foundation
  • Michael Barr, Professor of Law, University of Michigan
  • Suzi Sosa, Founder and 首席执行官, Verb

“我们知道,财务不安全带来的挑战会对个人和家庭产生深远的影响. 金融解决方案实验室为改善低收入人群的财务状况所做的努力令我感到鼓舞,并对他们开始关注家庭流动性感到印象深刻,埃尔达·沙菲尔说, 他是普林斯顿大学心理学和公共事务威廉·斯图尔特·托德教授,也是ideas42的科学总监和联合创始人, 一个非营利组织,领导行为科学的应用,为社会做善事,并产生大规模的影响.

“金融解决方案实验室是一个以人为本的设计实际应用的好例子,它解决了美国人每天面临的挑战,并创造了真正的影响, 蒂姆·布朗说, 首席执行官, 视频. “我很荣幸能成为这个跨行业专家小组的一员,我期待着与参与实验室的创新者密切合作.”

关于 the Financial Solutions Lab
The Financial Solutions Lab is a $30 million, 该计划为期五年,由金融服务创新中心(CFSI)与创始合作伙伴澳博官方网站app共同管理 & Co. 识别, 测试和扩大有前途的创新的可用性,帮助美国人增加储蓄, 提高信用, 建立资产. 该实验室将推出一系列竞赛,以找出解决特定消费者金融挑战的方案. It will provide incentives for entrepreneurs, 企业, 非营利组织将加强金融产品和服务,应对这些挑战,改善消费者的财务健康. For more information, visit finlab.cfsinnovation.com.

关于 Center for Financial Services Innovation
CFSI is the nation’s authority on consumer financial health. CFSI领导着一个由金融服务创新者组成的网络,致力于以更高质量的产品和服务建立一个更强大的金融服务市场. Through its Compass Principles and a lineup of proprietary research, 见解和事件, CFSI通知, 建议, 并将其网络成员联系起来,为将改变金融服务格局的创新播下种子. For more on CFSI, go to www.cfsinnovation.com and follow 在推特上 at @CFSInnovation.

关于 澳博官方网站app & Co.
澳博官方网站app & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2.6 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small 企业, 商业银行, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 澳博官方网站app & Co. 为美国数以百万计的消费者和世界上许多最著名的公司提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. 摩根 and 追逐 brands. Information about 澳博官方网站app & Co. 可在 wt8n.byum.net.