Press Releases

December 7, 2022 (Baltimore, MD) 澳博官方网站app(jpmorgan 追逐)在西巴尔的摩的Mondawmin Mall开设了一家全新的分行.

Mondawmin社区中心分支机构是巴尔的摩首个此类分支机构,是一种创新, 社区启发模式——也是大通4个社区中心中14个社区中心中的一个,700 branch network nationwide. This format is part of the firm’s continued $30 billion national effort to help advance racial equity and close the racial wealth gap.

Mondawmin社区中心旨在通过创新工具帮助当地消费者和企业实现更好的财务未来, resources and programming. 这个位置看起来和感觉上都不同于“典型的”银行——它结合了现代设计, spacious layout, and state-of-the-art banking technology, reflecting how customers engage with 追逐 today.

“Baltimore is a vibrant community with enormous opportunity,” Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO, JP摩根 追逐 & Co. “企业有责任帮助解决客户及其服务社区面临的挑战. 随着澳博官方网站app在巴尔的摩的发展,我们公司将尽自己的一份力量,提供更多的机会——特别是为那些代表性不足和服务不足的人群. It’s important for our customers, employees, communities and our company to drive inclusive economic growth.”

Branch offerings include:

  • Specialty financial health workshops on topics such as, budgeting, 由专家为个人和团体主持的信贷和住房所有权
  • Free one-on-one mentorship support to help local entrepreneurs grow, start or expand their small business
  • 一个社区“客厅”区域,作为合作伙伴非营利组织的活动空间
  • 为社区团体和居民提供远程学习和工作的Wi-Fi.


“我们扩展分支机构的方法植根于这样一种信念,即我们需要在我们所服务的社区中拥有有意义的存在,以便产生持久的影响,” Racquel Oden, Head of Network Expansion, 追逐. “对我们来说, our expansion isn’t just about building branches; it’s about working together with our local team to identify the best ways to help more people and more businesses. Mondawmin社区中心分部反映了我们对巴尔的摩社区的承诺.”

的 firm also intends to share what it learns from its business, data, policy and philanthropic efforts with business, government, and community leaders and help drive further investment in the region.

“在我们促进公平增长的共同使命中,澳博官方网站app一直是一个不可思议的合作伙伴, 缩小贫富差距,促进全市金融服务普及,” Baltimore Mayor Brandon M. 斯科特. “我要感谢他们对巴尔的摩的信任,以及他们对历史上被边缘化和服务不足的社区的经济流动性的持续承诺. 这是私人机构在巴尔的摩复兴中发挥作用的一个很好的例子."

Expanding Minority Small Business Growth

澳博官方网站app宣布了其2000万美元五年慈善承诺的下一个受益者. 马里兰港口银行社区发展公司将获得600美元,通过他们的小企业基金扩大有色人种企业家倡议. 这笔资金将允许马里兰港口银行社区发展公司提供战略技术援助, 向小型和多元化企业提供资金和金融服务.

追逐 Business Banking Mentorship program is a three to six month advisory curriculum part of a broader, nationwide effort to help strengthen sustainable business growth. 的 program operates in 21 U.S. 城市, including Baltimore, and is available to all minority, women and veteran entrepreneurs even if they don’t bank with 追逐.

Increasing Access to Homeownership

As part of the Mondawmin branch’s customer offerings, 追逐 Home Lending is offering a $5,1万美元的购房者补助金,帮助合格的购房者在全国各地不同和服务不足的社区购买房屋. This benefit is currently available in 180 neighborhoods in Baltimore.

Additionally, 追逐 furthers its commitment to help eligible veterans, servicemembers and their families achieve homeownership with a $2,000 VA Purchase Closing Cost Benefit. 完成认证购房者教育课程的合格客户可以在大通银行额外节省500美元 DreamMaker mortgage.

Hiring Locally to Serve the Neighborhood

Mondawmin分行拥有一支强大的当地金融健康专家团队,他们专注于参与并提供真正的经济效益和解决方案. 的se include:

  • Community Manager, 乔尔·甘布尔(Joel Gamble)在西巴尔的摩长大,那里距离蒙道明购物中心(Mondawmin Mall)大约一英里. 乔尔将与社区合作,提高对现有财政卫生资源的认识, and host interactive programs on topics such as goal setting, budget building and understanding credit.
  • Branch Manager, LaToya Cooper, a West Baltimore native and Loyola University graduate, 负责监管分行的各个方面,包括传统银行服务和当地社区参与.
  • Senior Business Consultants, Hans Petite-Homme和Beth Heir将增加一对一商业指导的机会, 为数百名巴尔的摩企业家提供技术援助和建议,从提高信誉到管理现金流,再到有效的营销.

澳博官方网站app自2012年以来一直在大巴尔的摩开展业务,目前在该地区拥有16家分行,预计到2025年将增至36家. 的 firm employs more than 1,300 people in Maryland, D.C. and Virginia. 

About 追逐

追逐 is the U.S. consumer and commercial banking business of JP摩根 追逐 & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家总部位于美国的领先金融服务公司,资产规模为3亿美元.8 trillion and operations worldwide. 大通为6600多万美国家庭和500万家小企业提供广泛的金融服务, including personal banking, credit cards, mortgages, auto financing, investment advice, small business loans and payment processing. Customers can choose how and where they want to bank: More than 4,700 branches in 48 states and the District of Columbia, 16,000 ATMs, 移动, online and by phone. For more information, go to