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追逐 Exp和s 社区分支, Local Hiring to Improve Access to Banking 和 财务状况

Bank reports progress on community banking approach as part of its $30 billion 种族权益 Commitment

4月19日, 2022 - 追逐 today announced that it has hired more than 300 community-focused managers, home lending advisors 和 senior business consultants 和 opened or revitalized more than 300 community-style branches, including ten new Community Center branches, to help exp和 access to banking 和 boost financial health 和 inclusion among Black, 西班牙裔和拉丁裔社区.

As part of the firm’s five-year $30 billion 种族权益 Commitment (“REC”), the bank has taken a grassroots approach in communities that have faced historical barriers to banking to help offer greater access to affordable home loans, 低成本支票账户, 和 financial health education workshops. 这包括本地和多样化的招聘, 新建或翻新的分支机构, 和 free community programming for residents 和 small business owners.

“This work begins 和 ends with the community, 从我们在当地雇佣的员工那里, to the environment we create in the branch, to the neighborhood organizations who have guided us along the way” Jennifer Roberts, 大通消费银行首席执行官. “Our work never stops, but we’re proud of the progress 和 impact that we’ve made so far.”  

当地的市场领导者有助于增长, evolve 和 sustain this approach to community banking, 包括本地招聘的决定, 银行家的报道, 分公司位置和产品需求. The bank also works locally with 社区领袖 to listen 和 incorporate feedback to drive better outcomes for Black, 西班牙裔和拉丁裔社区 nationwide.


2020年10月, 澳博官方网站app created three new community-focused roles to help increase its presence 和 build trust in Black, 西班牙裔和拉丁裔社区.  Since then, the firm has hired more than 300 people1 to fill these jobs, a number that continues to grow. 

“We want to help revitalize communities across the country,马克·奥多诺万说, 追逐 Home Lending的首席执行官.  “Our community leads are there to build trust with Black, 西班牙裔和拉丁裔购房者, small business owners 和 local residents, 和 to provide better access to free financial health resources, expert advice 和 products that can help them grow wealth 和 preserve it for future generations.”

  • 社区管理员社区房屋贷款顾问 serve as local ambassadors to build 和 nurture relationships with residents, 社区领袖, 房地产经纪人, 非营利组织. Over 80% of 社区管理员 are diverse, 和 all are local to the community they serve. 
    These individuals host regular workshops – free of charge 和 open to the public – that focus on a wide range of topics like building a budget, 为首付款而存钱, 和 credit health while finding the right products 和 services to support individuals’ financial health goals. In 2021, 银行主办了1,300个财务健康讲习班, including for new 和 first-time homebuyers, 这一数字已超过36个,000人.
  • 高级商业顾问 提供免费的一对一指导, 训练, 以及向布莱克提供技术援助, 西班牙裔和拉丁裔企业主. In 2021, 该公司指导了超过1名学生,000黑色, Hispanic 和 Latino small businesses 和 hosted educational events, community workshops 和 business training seminars with over 28,来自14个美国的1000名参与者.S. 城市. The program has since exp和ed to 21 城市 和 recently graduated its first 115 mentees from the program.

“通过我们的导师计划, we are helping minority-owned small businesses access more opportunity, 扩展他们的业务, 和 become sustainable economic anchors for their neighborhoods,本·沃尔特说。, 大通商业银行首席执行官. “Successful business owners often cite mentors as a key ingredient in their winning formula, 和 we are proud to be able to share our resources 和 expertise with entrepreneurs in these communities.” 


追逐 opened its first Community Center branch in Harlem, New York in June 2019 和 has since exp和ed to 11 additional 城市, with plans to open five more in Atlanta, 巴尔的摩, 迈阿密, Philadelphia 和 Tulsa by the end of the year. 

Community Center branches are locally-inspired 和 built with extra space to host free community events 和 financial health workshops, skills training 和 provide a storefront for small business pop-ups. They often include local artwork 和 architecture, 和 the majority are built with minority contractors as part of the firm’s efforts to engage more diverse vendors.


  • 克伦肖,洛杉矶,加利福尼亚: 与几家非营利组织合作, including the LA Urban League 和 Brotherhood Crusade, the Crenshaw Community Center branch sits across from cultural l和marks like Leimert Park, a center of historical 和 contemporary art, 洛杉矶的音乐和文化. 
  • 奥克兰,加利福尼亚: One of the most ethnically diverse 城市 in the U.S., Oakl和 is rich in culture, mounted in art 和 music. 百老汇 & 30th Community Center branch can be found in the Piedmont neighborhood 和 is furnished with reclaimed redwood 和 an eagle, reproduced from plywood art during the racial injustice protests in June 2020, that is prominently placed in the center of the branch. 
  • 伊利诺伊州芝加哥市石岛市: Near the Obama Presidential Library 和 Tiger Woods’ Public Golf Course, the Stony Isl和 Community Center branch sits in Chicago’s South Side 和 originally opened in 1994. Redesigned as a Community Center in 2021, the branch features several pieces from artists showcased through ArtLifting, a program that empowers artists living with homelessness or disabilities. 
  • Gentilly Woods, New Orleans, Louisiana: 毗邻庞恰特雷恩公园, a subdivision built in the 1950’s that symbolizes the American Dream can be a reality for all Americans, the Gentilly Woods Community Center branch is located in District 6 in New Orleans. While the area was one of the hardest hit neighborhoods after Hurricane Katrina, the branch Community Center offers cohort workshops 和 recently celebrated their first graduating class through a close partnership with Tulane Canal 社区开发 Corporation. 
  • 马萨诸塞州波士顿的马塔潘: In a neighborhood with a prominent population of Haitian 和 Caribbean American descents, the Mattapan Community Center branch features a Haitian-inspired mural, created by local student art apprentices, 工作的社区成员, 在当地的广场生活和购物. 
  • 密歇根州底特律的科克镇: While in the oldest existing neighborhood in Detroit, the Corktown Community Center branch is a relocation of the Trumbull Porter branch 和 sits near Michigan Central Station 和 the Detroit Police Athletic League’s Corner Ballpark. Featuring a combination of bespoke art 和 salvaged artifacts, including wood 和 marble from a local bowling alley, the branch has partnered closely with ArtLifting, a platform for artists facing homelessness 和 disabilities. 
  • Ventura Village, Minneapolis, Minnesota: 位于文图拉村, home to one of the largest East African 和 American Indian populations in the city, the Community Center branch partners with Indego Africa, a social enterprise that focuses on transforming the lives of women, youth 和 refugees across Africa through economic empowerment 和 education. The branch features graphics on both interior 和 exterior walls from Juxtaposition Art, a non-profit youth art 和 design education program in Minneapolis. 
  • 哈莱姆,纽约,纽约 As 追逐’s first ever Community Center branch, the Harlem location offers a blend of the city’s rich history, 艺术与建筑, including reclaimed vault 和 elevator doors. The branch also features an on-site Innovation Lab to get real-time customer feedback on prototypes. 
  • 俄亥俄州阿克伦城: Paired with The Lebron James Family Foundation’s House Three-Thirty, the Akron Community Center branch is located in the Goodyear Heights neighborhood. Surrounded with art from local elementary students showcasing the spirit of the city, the branch has deep connections with the I PROMISE School, 不到一英里远, The Greater Akron Chamber of Commerce 和 The Akron Bounce Incubator.
  • 德克萨斯州达拉斯的橡树崖: Showcasing murals painted by local artists that address themes of connectivity, 个性与脆弱, the Oak Cliff Community Center is located in the Southern Dallas community. Within one mile of the revitalized Bishop Arts District, 这里有60家精品店, 餐馆和商店, the branch partners with organizations like the Dallas Entrepreneur Center 和 Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber. 支持当地退伍军人和老年人, the branch often delivers supplies–from sweet treats to toiletries–to local churches 和 the VA hospital. 
  • 德克萨斯州休斯顿第五区: Partly built with reclaimed materials from historic Houston neighborhoods 和 furniture from a local craftsperson, 里昂的 & Lockwood Community Center branch is located in the Fifth Ward. The branch has continued to serve the community after overcoming catastrophic hurricanes 和 floods, including offering redevelopment funding to assist with homebuyer promotion 和 preservation, along with disaster preparedness 和 personal readiness plans. 
  • Skyl和,华盛顿特区.C.: The Skyl和 Community Center branch is in the heart of lower Ward 7 和 borders Ward 8, 位于Hillcrest, 绰号“白银海岸”.该分支以三联画为特色, three art panels hinged together side-by-side, 由艺术街区设计, a youth 和 young adult visual art apprenticeship program.

在去年, the bank has also revitalized over 300 community-style branches in low-to-moderate or majority-minority tracts to include dedicated space for financial health events 和 workshops open to the public.

This progress is reported as part of 澳博官方网站app’s 2021 Environmental, Social 和 治理 Report issued today, which includes updates on the firm’s $30B REC through 2021.

Click here to see 追逐’s Community Center branches in action. To learn more about 追逐’s Community Banking team, please visit: 追逐.com/communityteam.


1.自2020年10月起, the firm has hired more than 100 社区管理员, 150个社区住房贷款顾问, 高级商务顾问25名. The bank has hired an additional 39 people for these roles through the end of February 2022.